Mi 10 ultra unable to back up via TWRP


Apr 30, 2021
Hey guys, just bought myself a thumb drive to do a back up via TWRP. However, this just happened and I can't seem to back up. Is anyone able to help?


  • Screenshot_2021-06-09-18-30-10.png
    222 KB · Views: 209
Hello! :)

Use "Copy Log" button in "Advanced" menu of TWRP then search this line in the "recovery.log" file: createTarFork() process ended with ERROR: 255

When you found it, copy/paste the 10 previous lines here. ;)
E:Error writing tar file!
I:Error adding file '/data/data/com.miui.gallery/databases/gallery_sub.db' to '/usb-otg/TWRP/BACKUPS/927c828b/2021-06-09--18-22-58/data.f2fs.win001'
Error creating backup.
I:ERROR tarList for thread ID 0
Error creating backup.
I:InfoManager saving '/usb-otg/TWRP/BACKUPS/927c828b/2021-06-09--18-22-58/data.info'
createTarFork() process ended with ERROR: 255
I think you need to change File System (use FAT32) of your thumb drive (or try to format it). :)

There are no previous lines?
tried formatting and did it again. got to 100% and it failed at the end again :(
recovery.log this time came out in 25mb and totally blank! lol.
going to try this again one more time.

also, is it normal for the "Unable to locate '/system' partition for backup calculations." to appear? because my TWRP doesn't seem to find a /system in my phone.
I don't know why you have this red line...

Go in "Advanced" => "File Manager" => Browse in "/data" folder and search if you have a "extm" folden. If yes, go in this folder and remove it.

Sad to see no other TWRP than this chinese version, for your device... :(
okay so i removed the extm. managed to hit 100% of the back up. says "digest created". has been like that for a couple minutes now. should i wait further or?
okay so i removed the extm. managed to hit 100% of the back up. says "digest created". has been like that for a couple minutes now. should i wait further or?
Yes, wait, it takes a moment. ;)
You can also disable digest creation for backups to save time. :)
I think I have an idea: fat32 limits the max size of each file up to ~4gb. Those backups I think create a single zip per partition. The super partition is about 8gb, so it will probably fail. Try to reformat the drive in something else, like ext4 or exfat formats. I have a ~64gb usb drive and I ~can't backup my phone due to that issue (kinda busy to reformat it).

PS. It seems that somehow an sd I used for those backups can't be read by the twrp (normally my phone can write to it.) I might have to format that too.
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darn. just bought a 64gb thumbdrive just for this. perhaps i will try to do this over USB OTG to my external hard drive instead. see how that works out!
darn. just bought a 64gb thumbdrive just for this. perhaps i will try to do this over USB OTG to my external hard drive instead. see how that works out!
Lol, no it probably won't work too. It will probably be formated in ntfs which isn't supported by twrp (proprietary microsoft format). Get that thumb drive you bought and reformat it in ext4 format.