Long time iPhone user needs help with his new Xiaomi MIUI


11 Mar 2014
I bought a Redrice in China a few weeks ago and I am now back in Australia. Everything is working fine, but I was wondering what I can do about the following 2 questions.

1) Even though I have changed my language to English, I still get some Chinese, particularly with the Keyboard. It is not a big issue, and I have learnt to deal with it, but would be good if I could change to English.

2) Is there any way to get Google Play store onto this phone?

I have tried to update to the latest rom available here - http://en.miui.com/download-82.html but this does not work, as I have the latest ROM.

I am new to Android, but am iPhone programmer (about to learn Android programming), so advanced instructions are fine.
Before installing any new rom: which red rice version did u buy? There are 6 different meanwhile

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk
Hi. Please follow the thread to get google play on your phone. http://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/google-play-and-gmail-dont-work-on-hongmi.22584/page-2

Otherwise I would recommend installing the ported Singapore version which already has google installed. see http://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/...rom-20-feb-14-ported-to-wcdma-cn-hk-tw.23648/

Thanks, those instruction worked, I now have Google Play on my device.

I bought the WCDMA version. Model Number: 2013023: MIUI Version: MIUI-JHBCNAL5.0
Good to hear google play is working.

The ported SG version might also be something for you. It also solves the dissapearing paid apps after reboot issue.
I installed it two days ago and also came from MIUI-JHBCNAL5.0 firmware.
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Thanks...I just tested with a reboot and lost the one paid app I have...so looks like I need the SG version.

Will I lose all my data and settings with this update? I have a bunch of email addresses I needed to add, will not be fun adding them all again.
Through the backup app on your phone you can make backups of your apps, system settings etc. I would recommend to play with that first. You would be able to restore through this app too after installing a new rom.

To be honest I always re-install apps when playing with roms. My calendar, contacts and emails are all stored in google so I only have to enter my google signon once at the account settings and everything is back on my phone.
Doesn't seem to want to work. Dead Android lying on its back with Error about 1/4 the way through the update process after reboot :-(

I can reboot and everything is fine....have tried to install twice, same result.

Any recommended trouble-shooting steps?
These days my first question is, are you sure your phone is original. Have you check it?