[info] Rom Xiaomi.eu Rootable For My Redmi 4 Pro?


19 Aug 2016
Hi all,
i'm looking for some info:
1) xiamo.eu rom for my redmi 3 pro, is rootable?
2) if yes, how can i root my phone?
3) xiaomi.eu receive then ota updates?
4) how can i install the last xiaomi.eu rom from my actual miui.it rom?

1) xiamo.eu rom for my redmi 3 pro, is rootable?

2) if yes, how can i root my phone?
follow the instructions included in the same post as the download

3) xiaomi.eu receive then ota updates?
yes, the weekly ones do (with a little delay)

4) how can i install the last xiaomi.eu rom from my actual miui.it rom?
follow the instructions included in the same post as the download

Basically it comes down to installing the latest TWRP if you don't have one already (which I doubt since you seem to have a custom ROM installed). And after that download the latest ROM for your device, as well as the latest Magisk (some older posts say SuperSU, but this new one works better). If you have everything on your device, boot into TWRP (hold volume keys down and shortly hold the power button). After that do the standard wipe. Go back to the main menu of TWRP and install the ROM + (by clicking "add more zips") Magisk. Let it do it's thing and reboot.
which rom i must download (i would like to install miui 9) for mi redmi 3 pro (ido)?



Just to be sure : is your bootloader unlocked ?
First step before every other thing !

Just to be sure : is your bootloader unlocked ?
First step before every other thing !

Yes, it is unlocked.
i've installed the miui 9; but i don't know why:
1) if i want to reboot in recovery, my phone restart always the system, not in recovery;
2) supersu doesn't upload binary.
any ideas?
just tried it.
nothing, always a simple reboot: no recovery or twrp.
thats normal on Redmi 3/pro. the only way to boot into recovery is to turn of the device and restart pressing all three buttons at once (vol up and vol down and power).