In-call And Headphones Volume Boost


Sep 30, 2017
Hi everyone

after listening to music for some time and after few calls i realized that even on maxed settings volume is kinda weak. I tried googling and found where to change those settings but settings don't match and i don't know what numbers to fiddle with.
(there are no files or options found in most links to change that and i don't know if that's possible to change from build.prop)

I don't want to damage my device if that's even possible, so my question is, what to change in these settings to boost volume for calls and music on headphones?

When i type *#*#3646633#*#* on hardware testing->audio->volume there are very few options:
voice, voip, audio playback, audio record and more in them as shown here. In audio playback last index (15) is 200, and in voice last index (6) is 160. What is max value i can input for each and what options to select from top dropdown menus?

(sry if this is obvious question, i just couldn't find answer searching forums..)
If you need more info or screenshots just say.



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Did you already try with 7.10.19 rom version?

Not yet, i'm tryin' to settle on one after flashing over 5 (or more) roms a day for a few days in a row :D I'm afraid my battery will not take that punch very well :p I've seen on few videos that 255 is max for one option, headphones i think, but i don't want to risk any damage so i asked here if someone has xp with this..