I managed to solve this and install the update using this guide:
How to install a xiaomi.eu recovery image Because of more and more working TWRP or OrangeFox on MIUI13 Android12 a little How To and here we go .... Unlock your device (only once) - you need to unlock bootloader -> a small [howto] to unlock bootloader Install Tools and Drivers - install USB...
to install TWRP from here:
The problem is that TWRP hasn't been updated permanently as the guide said it will.
There was no such thing "Install Recovery Ramdisk" in the advanced settings.
So how can i install it permanently?
Original question:
I download from the update app the latest update for Mi 10, since it doesn't have bat files i tried to install it from TWRP.
i clicked on the check MD5 button from the update app and it resetted and went to the TWRP app, but before that it warned me that there is some encryption so i need to put my password in TWRP, but i couldn't find such place to do that.
when i click install, i don't see my storage file, something like system directories such as proc, metadata, config and many more, but it couldn't find the update zip file.
on the options time i have some kind of log and i see the following text:
TWRP Version : 3.4.2b-1206
Build Date : 2021 01 01
Build User : something in chinese
Build Device : Mi 10
Updating partition details...
Failed to mount '/data' (Success)
Full SELinux support is present.
Unable to mount /data/media/0/TWRP/.twrp_wzsx150
Running Recovery Commands
Unable to locate zip file '/sfcard/xiaomi.eu_multi_MI10_v13.0.7.0.SJBCNXM_5ece57ab71_v13-12.zip'.
Done processing script FailedMTP Enabled
Failed to mount '/data' (Success)
How can i update?