[HowTo] Install Fastboot image


19 Apr 2014
How to install a xiaomi.eu fastboot image

- Perhaps you have an update info on your phone
-> Its only an info that an update is available
- Update is only possible with fastboot / PC and not with TWRP

and here we go ....

- you need to unlock bootloader
-> a small [howto] to unlock bootloader

Install Tools and Drivers
- install USB drivers & adb and fastboot tools (Windows 10)
- install SDK Platform Tools (Windows 10 & 11 / Mac / Linux)
- install xiaomi drivers (sometimes necessary)
-> a small [howto] if you have driver issues

- create a directory "c:\test"
- download fastboot image for your phone to PC
-> choose stable or weekly like you want or need
- extract the fastboot image into this folder c:\test

- open "cmd.exe" on your PC
- change to directory were you have installed adb & fastboot
-> eg "cd c:\adb" hit RETURN and type "dir"
- there should be this files:

- connect PC and phone with USB cable
- put phone in fastboot (reboot phone and then holding "Volume -" and "Power on" buttons simultaneously)
- you should see a bunny picture and an info "fastboot" on the phone
-> on some devices you will see orange info "FASTBOOT" (new fastboot logo)

please do this step to prevent from black window
- type in "cmd window": "fastboot devices" and hit RETURN
- check if you see a number (sometimes with characters)
-> then all is fine

- if you dont see a number:
change USB port / change USB cable / use USB 2.0 / use an USB Hub / check driver installation

do this only if "fastboot devices" shows a number / characters
- the "cmd window" should be open on PC
- change to "c:\test"
-> eg "cd c:\test" hit RETURN and type "dir" hit RETURN
- you should see the scripts with ".bat" at the end of filename

- start the appropriate bat-file
-> dont click it in explorer with mouse pointer
-> start the bat-file from command-line
-> then its possible to see errors

-> type in the "cmd window" windows_fastboot... and hit RETURN

Which is the appropriate *.bat file you have to execute

- if you install the xiaomi.eu rom for the first time
- if you change from weekly to stable (recommended)
- if you change from stable to weekly (recommended)
you will loose your data -> make a backup


- if you update from weekly to weekly
- if you update from stable to stable

- you will not loose your data

PS: There are *.sh files for MAC & Linux as well
Linux HowTo

Thats all ... voilla .....

Here are some hints and solutions for issues:

Change between stable and weekly or vice versa
-> recommended choose the bat file with format in the filename

You can check if your device is unlocked
fastboot oem device-info
-> there is a line "Device unlocked = true or false"
If you dont see "Mi Unlock Status" in developer options
-> your device is also unlocked

Telegram, WhatsApp, Gmail, MI Backup issues
Settings> about phone> factory settings> erase everything

Permission app issues - clear data & cache
-> Settings > apps > manage apps > click "show all apps" from top right menu
-> Search for permissions
Fix it with giving that app all permission in first turn on

This info you can ignore while flashing
Sending 'storsecbak' (20 KB) OKAY [ 0.002s]
Writing 'storsecbak' FAILED (remote: '(storsecbak) No such partition')
fastboot: error: Command failed

Disable green icon until reboot (mic & camera security)
adb shell cmd device_config put privacy camera_mic_icons_enabled false default

How to install Magisk without TWRP

Thx for some tips:
@geoorg / @h.gobbah / @LOLO9393 / @JiaiJ

# fastboot, install A12, OTA, update info, black window, driver usb, adb,
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How to install a fastboot image

At the moment no OTA updates are possible because of no 100%.working TWRP (decrypt partitions)
There is perhaps an update info on your phone so that you know there is an update
But you have to update it with fastboot / PC and not with TWRP recovery rom

- you need an unlocked bootloader
- install USB drivers & adb and fastboot tools
- create a directory c:\test
- download fastboot image for your phone to PC
- extract the fastboot image into this folder c:\test
- open "cmd.exe" on your PC
- change to directory were you have installed adb & fastboot
- eg "cd c:\adb" and type "dir"
- there should be this files:

- connect PC and phone with USB cable
- put phone in fastboot (reboot phone and then holding "Volume -" and "Power on" buttons simultaneously)
- you should see a bunny picture and an info "fastboot" on the phone

- type in "cmd window": "fastboot devices"
- check if you see a number -> then all is fine

- if you dont see a number:
change USB port / change USB cable / use USB 2.0 / use an USB Hub / check driver installation

- "cmd window" should be open on PC
- change to c:\test eg "cd c:\test"
- start the appropriate bat-file
It depends if you install the xiaomi.eu rom for the first time / you change between weekly and stable or as an update from weekly to weekly or stable to stable

(install for first time or if you change between stable and weekly)

(update from another weekly to weekly or stable to stable)

If you want to change between stable and weekly you have to choose the bat file with format in the filename
Thanks for your very valuable post. We need more involved people like you.
noob question: How to install twrp?
Thanks for your very valuable post. We need more involved people like you.
noob question: How to install twrp?
@LOLO9393: For installing TWRP you need only a Flux Capacitor, but its hardly to get :)

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For more detailed information, see our cookies page.
@LOLO9393: For installing TWRP you need only a Flux Capacitor, but its hardly to get :)

To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.
im so confused , i flashed before using twrp but why this time need flux capasitor? helppppppp :p
How to install a fastboot image

At the moment no OTA updates are possible because of no 100%.working TWRP (decrypt partitions)

There is perhaps an update info on your phone so that you know there is an update
But you have to update it with fastboot / PC and not with TWRP recovery rom
-=* You cant download it from phone download link *=-

- you need an unlocked bootloader
- install USB drivers & adb and fastboot tools
- create a directory c:\test
- download fastboot image for your phone to PC
choose stable or weekly like you want or need
- extract the fastboot image into this folder c:\test
- open "cmd.exe" on your PC
- change to directory were you have installed adb & fastboot
- eg "cd c:\adb" and type "dir"
- there should be this files:

- connect PC and phone with USB cable
- put phone in fastboot (reboot phone and then holding "Volume -" and "Power on" buttons simultaneously)
- you should see a bunny picture and an info "fastboot" on the phone

- type in "cmd window": "fastboot devices"
- check if you see a number -> then all is fine

- if you dont see a number:
change USB port / change USB cable / use USB 2.0 / use an USB Hub / check driver installation
- "cmd window" should be open on PC
- change to c:\test eg "cd c:\test"
- start the appropriate bat-file

It depends if you install the xiaomi.eu rom for the first time / you change between weekly and stable or as an update from weekly to weekly or stable to stable

(install for first time or if you change between stable and weekly)

(update from another weekly to weekly or stable to stable)

If you want to change between stable and weekly you have to choose the bat file with format in the filename

# fastboot, install A12, OTA, update info, black window, driver usb, adb
I would like to say thank you for the intense block of instruction, after a long weekend trying to get miui 13 stable on my F3 Poco, i finally accomplished my mission.
I must say i tried almost everything, and feel lucky that i didn´t brick my phone.
For anyone still searching for answers, take your time and READ !
Some people here get frustrated while others take the cocky approach and give smart ass answers to helpless souls instead of actually being of any help.
katerpanne gave solid , helpful information along with a couple others who said basically the same as him.

After updating to 13.0.2 you will find that stock recovery is once more there on your device.
I for one, will leave that unchanged for now and wait to see if A12 will work with custom recovery.
Make sure to have simple and clear folders to unzip files to,
Make sure to have a functioning usb cable
Take a walk to clear your head before going those last steps and soon your device should be readyfor the next round.
I still have reservations towards an A/B device, i used to think it would be great, but it just makes things more complicated, not impossible, just complicated!
I have tried to push 13 twice the last 24 hours with Brick as result. Completely black screen. I Paid a russian guy to do EDL flash both times. Really getting desperate. Could anyone please help me? I will pay if you help me through for example Teamviewer.
I have tried to push 13 twice the last 24 hours with Brick as result. Completely black screen. I Paid a russian guy to do EDL flash both times. Really getting desperate. Could anyone please help me? I will pay if you help me through for example Teamviewer.
its your first post… step by step… go through my how to and describe what you did and what you see.
1. did you unlocked your phone?

You can check it with this fastboot command:
fastboot oem device-info
There is a line "Device unlocked = true or false"
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1. I have Unlocked bootloader, Latest EEA rom on Chinese phone.
2. Drivers are installed. Maybe I should reinstall? (how to?)
3. I have Fastboot and ADB in C:\ADB,. I have xiaomi.eu rom in C:\13
4. I open CMD in ADB folder and type "cd c:\adb" and type "dir" and get those same files
5. I put in Fastboot mode, connect with good quality USBc-USBc cable to computer
6. I type Fastboot devices and get a number (not same number but a number)
7. I left this cmd window open and then in browser double click .bat file "first install" - another cmd window opens, it starts to push files, after a couple of files the writes start failing. The screen now is completely black again. I try to flash stock with miflash but get some Firehose error, now im waiting for EDL guy to help me out once again.

Anything I couldve done differently? or anything I can do to make sure this doesnt happen again?
2. Drivers are installed. Maybe I should reinstall? (how to?)
3. I have Fastboot and ADB in C:\ADB,. I have xiaomi.eu rom in C:\13
4. I open CMD in ADB folder and type "cd c:\adb" and type "dir" and get those same files
5. I put in Fastboot mode, connect with good quality USBc-USBc cable to computer
6. I type Fastboot devices and get a number (not same number but a number)
7. I left this cmd window open and then in browser double click .bat file "first install" - another cmd window opens, it starts to push files, after a couple of files the writes start failing. The screen now is completely black again. I try to flash stock with miflash but get some Firehose error, now im waiting for EDL guy to help me out once again.

Anything I couldve done differently? or anything I can do to make sure this doesnt happen again?
Please do this:

fastboot oem device-info
There is a line "Device unlocked = true or false"

and describe which device model you have and which rom you have downloaded

PS: if you will get a patched Firhose file for your device you can unbrick by yourself :)
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  • Wow
Reactions: biscoot
Please do this:
fastboot oem device-info
There is a line "Device unlocked = true or false"
As of now its completely black screen so nothing comes up when I Type fastboot devices. I'm waiting for EDL guy to flash Stock again now. Gonna reply again after.
Please do this:

fastboot oem device-info
There is a line "Device unlocked = true or false"

and describe which device model you have and which rom you have downloaded

PS: if you will get a patched Firhose file for your device you can unbrick by yourself :)

- There is no patched firehose for Mi11 Ultra.
- I have miui global 12.5.11 installed now (after EDL guy fixed) Safetynet fail (thats why i need xiaomi.eu)
- I would like to install (at this point any Xiaomi.eu that works, please advice)
should i uninstall Hisuite?

Bootloader unlocked: True

Also: please advise on how to open file from command line
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Please can you tell us which version did you downloaded for your mi11ultra ?
I finally was able to do it after - Clean install of stock rom, new computer, using a 2.0 USB-a - USB-c cable. Following your every step including opening file from command line (In explorer: right click file, choose "copy path", insert in command line)

Thank you for patience and help!
How to install a fastboot image

At the moment no OTA updates are possible because of no 100%.working TWRP (decrypt partitions)

There is perhaps an update info on your phone so that you know there is an update
But you have to update it with fastboot / PC and not with TWRP recovery rom
-=* You cant download it from phone download link *=-

and here we go ....
- you need an unlocked bootloader [howto]
- install USB drivers & adb and fastboot tools
-> a small [howto] if you have driver issues
- create a directory c:\test
- download fastboot image for your phone to PC
-> choose stable or weekly like you want or need
- extract the fastboot image into this folder c:\test
- open "cmd.exe" on your PC
- change to directory were you have installed adb & fastboot
- eg "cd c:\adb" and type "dir"
- there should be this files:

- connect PC and phone with USB cable
- put phone in fastboot (reboot phone and then holding "Volume -" and "Power on" buttons simultaneously)
- you should see a bunny picture and an info "fastboot" on the phone

please do this step to prevent from black window
- type in "cmd window": "fastboot devices"
- check if you see a number -> then all is fine

- if you dont see a number:
change USB port / change USB cable / use USB 2.0 / use an USB Hub / check driver installation
do this only if "fastboot devices" shows a number
- "cmd window" should be open on PC
- change to c:\test eg "cd c:\test"
- start the appropriate bat-file (dont click in explorer)
-> start the file from command-line

It depends if you install the xiaomi.eu rom for the first time / you change between weekly and stable or as an update from weekly to weekly or stable to stable

(install for first time or if you change between stable and weekly)

(update from another weekly to weekly or stable to stable)

If you want to change between stable and weekly you have to choose the bat file with format in the filename
You can check if your device is unlocked
fastboot oem device-info
There is a line "Device unlocked = true or false"

# fastboot, install A12, OTA, update info, black window, driver usb, adb
Do you know if there will be a TWRP for miui13 one day?
Or do anyone knows?
  • Haha
Reactions: biscoot
Hi again. I have one doubt about the last part

- "cmd window" should be open on PC
- change to c:\test eg "cd c:\test"
- start the appropriate bat-file (dont click in explorer)
-> start the file from command-line

I sort of get lost when you say START and not to press on the explorer

With the cmd window open i change to cd c:\test... which is where the unzipped rom is, right?
And from there, where do i write or work with the .bat file
Do i write this?

c:\test: windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat

And then press enter?

or i double click this .bat file in the folder of the unzipped rom?

thx in advance
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Hi again. I have one doubt about the last part

- "cmd window" should be open on PC
- change to c:\test eg "cd c:\test"
- start the appropriate bat-file (dont click in explorer)
-> start the file from command-line

I sort of get lost when you say START and not to press on the explorer

With the cmd window open i change to cd c:\test... which is where the unzipped rom is, right?
And from there, where do i write or work with the .bat file
Do i write this?

c:\test: windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat

And then press enter?

or i double click this .bat file in the folder of the unzipped rom?

thx in advance
change to directory:
cd c:\test
and hit RETURN

and then type: