how to unlock Phone without loosing data?


2 Feb 2016
Hi everyone! my dad suddently died couple weeks ago. I have his phone switched on, but i don't know the code. is it possible in any ways to unlock it without loosing anything on it?
Sorry for your loss. Did he by any chance save any google/xiaomi account passwords on his computer? If so, could recover that, then type in pin wrong 5x, choose forgot password and remove the pin using one of those two accounts without data loss.
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Sorry for your loss. Did he by any chance save any google/xiaomi account passwords on his computer? If so, could recover that, then type in pin wrong 5x, choose forgot password and remove the pin using one of those two accounts without data loss.
thank you a lot! I found his xiaomi credentials. the problem is: i know the phone's PIN but not the lockscreen sequence (the one unlocking the phone by union of minimum 4 points). at that point, after doing it wrong for couple times I can click on "forgot password" but the phone says I'll loose data on it. Any suggestion?
Entschuldigung, aber SIE können einen adb-Befehl senden, um einen NEUEN Google-/Android-Benutzer zu starten, ohne Ihre Daten zu verlieren!


adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1

adb shell am start -n

adb shell am start -n

Es gibt einige .dll`s, also muss ich sie hochladen.,..Sorry, das Hochladen funktioniert nicht. Schick mir eine Nachricht
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