how to take a good macro shot


Apr 11, 2021
Anyone know what's the best way to take macro shot with mi 11 ultra? I've tried different zoom and settings but can't able to take a sharp crisp shot like dslr quality. Not sure if I'm asking for too much here
Anyone know what's the best way to take macro shot with mi 11 ultra? I've tried different zoom and settings but can't able to take a sharp crisp shot like dslr quality. Not sure if I'm asking for too much here
Is this macro enough for you?

I recommend to use 2x zoom for a neat bokeh Effekt.


You could also try to utilize 50 MP mode, this is a screen shot from hd preview, crisp enough for me :)



Sent from my Mi 11 Ultra.
I'm actually trying to shoot jewelery. The minimal focal distance is not close enough and would require using zoom to reach in. It does not look like I can use the main camera for this. I want to understand if it is 5x or 10x that would give me the clearest shot.
I'm actually trying to shoot jewelery. The minimal focal distance is not close enough and would require using zoom to reach in. It does not look like I can use the main camera for this. I want to understand if it is 5x or 10x that would give me the clearest shot.
2x ! Which is also recommended by different reviewer due to the lack of macrolens.

Sent from my Mi 11 Ultra.
I think the frustrating but honest answer is to use another phone. If you are into macro the mi 11 ultra isn't a good choice. You could try to use a 3rd party macro lens but I tried that on other phones and the results were not amazing. I had the find x2 pro before and it took amazing macro shots. The regular mi 11 is also said to take amazing macro shots. Using 2x is just a digital crop in from the main sensor. You can do it in post if you want.
I wonder if this can be fixed in software updates.

I wonder too but my gut feeling tells me "no". I think these are physical limitations of the setup of the camera construction. If I recall correctly the Find X2 pro used the same sensor for ultra-wide and could focus much closer. It had a less wide angle tough. Currently, there are two aspects of the ultra camera setup that disappoint for me. Macro and selfie. The latter you can get around using the main camera, but macro is really a pity. :( Here a shot taken with my former find x2 pro. Frustrates me even more if I look at this...
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[QUOTE = "primalair, message: 610775, membre: 295474"]
Je me demande aussi mais mon instinct me dit "non". Je pense que ce sont des limitations physiques de la configuration de la construction de la caméra. Si je me souviens bien, le Find X2 pro utilisait le même capteur pour l'ultra-large et pouvait se concentrer beaucoup plus près. Il avait un angle moins grand. Actuellement, il y a deux aspects de la configuration de l'ultra caméra qui me déçoivent. Macro et selfie. Ce dernier, vous pouvez vous déplacer en utilisant l'appareil photo principal, mais la macro est vraiment dommage. :(Voici une photo prise avec mon ancien find x2 pro. Me frustre encore plus si je regarde ça...View attachment 37005

MI11 is verry better for photo, i have a mi 11 and a ultra and sorry, the 11 classic is better, just no 120X zoom but all other is better than mi11 ultra....
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[QUOTE = "primalair, message: 610775, membre: 295474"]
Je me demande aussi mais mon instinct me dit "non". Je pense que ce sont des limitations physiques de la configuration de la construction de la caméra. Si je me souviens bien, le Find X2 pro utilisait le même capteur pour l'ultra-large et pouvait se concentrer beaucoup plus près. Il avait un angle moins grand. Actuellement, il y a deux aspects de la configuration de l'ultra caméra qui me déçoivent. Macro et selfie. Ce dernier, vous pouvez vous déplacer en utilisant l'appareil photo principal, mais la macro est vraiment dommage. :(Voici une photo prise avec mon ancien find x2 pro. Me frustre encore plus si je regarde ça...View attachment 37005
mi11 est très meilleur pour la macro, j'ai un ultra et 11 classique et 11 c'est 10X mieux pour la photo, juste plus bas pour un gros zoom
The cam of the ultra model was never advertised as a macro cam. The Oppo X2 is a diff. story because IT HAS a dedicated lens for that.

No one will ever complain about that a 105mm lens for a DSLR is bad for marco shots oO
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xiaomi say "ULTRA" and make less good than MI11.

why? it is the most expensive MI11 model

strange decision of xiaomi, they should have also put the macro in the ultra.....
The cam of the ultra model was never advertised as a macro cam. The Oppo X2 is a diff. story because IT HAS a dedicated lens for that.

No one will ever complain about that a 105mm lens for a DSLR is bad for marco shots oO
Nope. The find x2 pro uses the ultra wide for that. I don't talk about the find x3...
xiaomi say "ULTRA" and make less good than MI11.

why? it is the most expensive MI11 model

strange decision of xiaomi, they should have also put the macro in the ultra.....
Sometimes I think this has also todo with future selling potential. I mean there is no good reason the selfie cam doesn't support 4k right? Maybe it's only to give us a reason to buy the Mi 12 ultra. Overall the MI 11 ultra is better than the MI 11. It's just the macro lens, that is missing...
[QUOTE = "primalair, message: 610775, membre: 295474"]
Je me demande aussi mais mon instinct me dit "non". Je pense que ce sont des limitations physiques de la configuration de la construction de la caméra. Si je me souviens bien, le Find X2 pro utilisait le même capteur pour l'ultra-large et pouvait se concentrer beaucoup plus près. Il avait un angle moins grand. Actuellement, il y a deux aspects de la configuration de l'ultra caméra qui me déçoivent. Macro et selfie. Ce dernier, vous pouvez vous déplacer en utilisant l'appareil photo principal, mais la macro est vraiment dommage. :(Voici une photo prise avec mon ancien find x2 pro. Me frustre encore plus si je regarde ça...View attachment 37005

MI11 is verry better for photo, i have a mi 11 and a ultra and sorry, the 11 classic is better, just no 120X zoom but all other is better than mi11 ultra....

Can't agree. They are similar in a lot of areas without a clear winner but the ultra is another league in zoom and also in low light, the MI 11 wins on the other hand in macro.
It is true that it is not easy to take good macro. But when the conditions are met the photos are extra . :)
See the example of a 20€ ticket and a pmu ticket. (Mi 11 lite 5G)






click on the images to enlarge
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Anyone know what's the best way to take macro shot with mi 11 ultra? I've tried different zoom and settings but can't able to take a sharp crisp shot like dslr quality. Not sure if I'm asking for too much here
Herare some shots made with Mi 11 Ultra, some with main lens 2x or 3x, some with zoom lens 5x. Let me know your thoughts


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