How To Install Xposed Framework?

BeKing [B3K]

2 Feb 2016
Hi, i'm looking for a guide to install the Xposed Framework.
I've succesfully installed Sphinx V2a ROM that as preloaded the root access.
Can anyone post or link a method to install it?


I've already seen the thread in en.miui forum but for many people don't work.
Xposed Framework is not yet funtional on any Xiaomi device. In other words, they're still working on it and you cannot install it at all.
Hi, i'm looking for a guide to install the Xposed Framework.
I've succesfully installed Sphinx V2a ROM that as preloaded the root access.
Can anyone post or link a method to install it?

Hi Xposed Framework is running well on my Redmi Note 4G Gucci.
I've found "hundred" ROMs with Xposed Support in the offical forum (en.miui), this don't risolve at all the problem of Xposed, because you must install a new rom, but for someone would be the solution!
Easy, you have to install the app on the phone and flash via recovery the zip that the app downloads for you at the first run... Piece of cake.
Yes, the "problem" of Xposed doesn't exist anymore and there are to many methods to install that. However i don't want to unlock the booloader(for the moment ) and i have installed a rom with all what i need!

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It works, just look for WSM tools and use the correct one (sdk22, v80, arm64, blabla)
It works, just look for WSM tools and use the correct one (sdk22, v80, arm64, blabla)
I have one last question, there is away to install that without unlocking bootloader? It need to install a file .zip that requise an unlocked bootloader.
You can install a rom with xposed for SP Flashtools.
Yes i know
For the moment i'm having fun with some Mods and app w/access root. Anyway i attend the answer from Xiaomi about the request of unlock the bootloader.

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