
23 Mar 2017
I buyed a Xiaomi Redmi 3S with 2GB ram. Currently i have Xiaomi Global 8.1 Stable installed.
I wan't install Rom.
I already ask xiaomi to unlock bootloader.
Now, what do i need to do?
If Xiaomi gives me unlock bootloader what do i need to do?
I'm scare if i brick my phone.
Will i loose warranty changing rom to
What do i need to install
I know i need TWRP, but how to unlock bootloader, install TWRP, and finnaly, install Rom?
Is it worth it?
I really need help. Thank you !
Wow, that's a lot of questions! :)

I'll start with this one:

> Is it worth it?
Yes, totally. is a debloated, streamlined version of MIUI China, with multilanguage support added. That said, there are risks involved when unlocking and flashing ROMs to any phone, including bricking it. Of course, by being careful and reading all about the process before doing it, you can play it safe and minimize the risks.

> Now, what do i need to do?
There are several tutorials in this forum, but you can get an outline of the steps here.

> If Xiaomi gives me unlock bootloader what do i need to do?
You need to proceed to unlock your bootloader with the MiUnlock tool. Once your request is approved, you'll get the link to download the tool which you must use from a PC. The tool has all needed instructions, it's very easy to do. Here you can see the general steps for bootloader unlocking.

> Will i loose warranty changing rom to
It depends on where you bought it, but the answer is probably "yes".

Ask away if you need more help!
Thanks for the reply!
To unlock bootloader can i use my Miui8.1 Global Stable or do i need to change it to Weekly Rom?
Not sure. I think it can be done with stable versions, so I'd try with that. If it doesn't work, you could change to a weekly.
Thanks for the reply!
Now i only need to wait a xiaomi reply eheh
Hope i can do it !
Many thank's ! :D