Help! I think I killed my 9T Pro by messing with the developer options!


6 Nov 2019
So I'm an idiot.

Was messing around with the dev options in my MI 9T Pro and came across one that said "max DPI" or something to this extent.It was set at 392.

I reduced it a couple of times and noticed that the screen was getting smaller, I.E the lettering was getting bigger. The minimum it would go to was 320.

So like the idiot I am, thinking there is a "max" set of also 392, I put in 9999.

Phone goes black, and wont load. I can go into recovery mode but only to reset to factory and to connect to MiAssistant, however MiAssistant on the computer says "device not suported" when I enter that mode.
I can access FastBoot but I don't know how and if I can change this value.

Is there any way of fixing this without a factory reset?

Thank you in advance, and I hope someone may learn with my mistakes.
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So I'm an idiot.

Was messing around with the dev options in my MI 9T Pro and came across one that said "max DPI" or something to this extent.It was set at 392.

I reduced it a couple of times and noticed that the screen was getting smaller, I.E the lettering was getting bigger. The minimum it would go to was 320.

So like the idiot I am, thinking there is a "max" set of also 392, I put in 9999.

Phone goes black, and wont load. I can go into recovery mode but only to reset to factory and to connect to MiAssistant, however MiAssistant on the computer says "device not suported" when I enter that mode.
I can access FastBoot but I don't know how and if I can change this value.

Is there any way of fixing this without a factory reset?

Thank you in advance, and I hope someone may learn with my mistakes.
Might be able to restore the dpi with adb/fastboot. No guarantees, download the adb drivers to your computer. Boot your phone to fastboot, then try this command below.

adb shell wm size reset && adb reboot

If it doesn't work try this also

adb shell wm density 392 && adb reboot