Help am stuck at boot screen


18 Nov 2018
Please help my Mi note 10 is stuck at boot logo after have tried everything and it still doesn't work have used both orange fox, Chinese twrp and normal twrp but it just stuck at boot logo
I'm using the twrp from LR. Team with Stable 11.0.7 these are the steps I took using an OTG flash drive
1. Go to Wipe, then select Format Data. Type yes
2. Go back and factory reset in twrp
3. Click Install and choose storage and ROM and check zip file validation
4. Flash ROM
Took about 5 minutes to boot. Should see a white screen with CC logo
In my case, stuck the phone to twrp recovery mode. Try with vesion 11.0.5.
The rom 11.0.7 not working to me, and I installed again the 11.0.5 .
The rom does not work with update, it only works with clean installation, I don't know why.
we hope that in each update it is not necessary to do clean installation
Thank you,, ( I trying the morning to install, and nothing, and after I see your message).

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