Gps And Network Very Bad On Mi 4c After Udgrade To Android 7.0


25 Jun 2012
Althought android 7.0 brings new features and better display in my Mi 4c, the GPS is awful !!!
After 2 hours yesterday and 1 hour today "GPS Test" app showed "no fix" only one satelite and "Navigon" cannot detect my position!!!
Only "Google Maps" who uses Wi-Fi and network signal can do it...
Mi 4c had never fast fix on GPS but now is unexpectable...

Without Wi-Fi a have no internet at all. Network diagnostics pops up a message:
"Poor network signal:1.1Kb/s"
In notification panel says "4g"...
Althought android 7.0 brings new features and better display in my Mi 4c, the GPS is awful !!!
After 2 hours yesterday and 1 hour today "GPS Test" app showed "no fix" only one satelite and "Navigon" cannot detect my position!!!
Only "Google Maps" who uses Wi-Fi and network signal can do it...
Mi 4c had never fast fix on GPS but now is unexpectable...

Without Wi-Fi a have no internet at all. Network diagnostics pops up a message:
"Poor network signal:1.1Kb/s"
In notification panel says "4g"...
Strange...i use HERE maps and gps fix in 10 sec.(more or less) and never had problems with network.
Have you tried Gpstest app? Give it a chance. Maybe is a matter of refresh the AGPS data. Other option you didn't make a clean installation of new Android version, with all wipes I mean.
I'm using Gpstest app, i clear and update Agps data but nothing happens.
I made a clean installation 23/2/17 with all wipes (system, data, chase, dalvic cache) with the same results...
Now i'm on ResurrectionRemix rom and everything work right including GPS and mobile network data!!!
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I'm using Gpstest app, i clear and update Agps data but nothing happens.
I made a clean installation 23/2/17 with all wipes (system, data, chase, dalvic cache) with the same results...
Now i'm on ResurrectionRemix rom and everything work right including GPS and mobile network data!!!
Does RR have Google play installed, or we do it manually?
After hours of searching i found what it was wrong...
Somehow in the APNs/internet settings the "APN protocol" was blank...
I choose IPv4/IPv6 and now i have mobile data and GPS working !!!
What was wrong and why in lolipop and in ResurrectionRemix there was no problem?