Google Maps no wifi location fix


11 Jun 2014
My GPS is working fine.
However, when I try to get my location without GPS at Google Maps it says "Waiting for location.." and nothing happens.
If I turn on GPS, it's working fine. But it should also work with wifi/3g only.
All option are turned on in gGoogle location settings, except for GPS.

Any idea?
Thanks but I'm not sure wha you mean.
I selected in the sceurity app "I trust this app" for both Google Maps, and Google Services.
But still I get the same thing.
Can you please elaborate?
It is on Jhon Doe.
That's weird..
I'm thinking of factory reset, though it should really be easier..
OK I did a factory reset, when the phone booted again, first thing it asked me is to enable location services.

Now it is working.