Invalid Glow Charging Animation Stuttering [Redmi Note 7]


26 Nov 2020
Glow Charging Animation Stuttering on Quick Charging State

Works fine on normal charging stuttering only happens on fast charger.

Device: Redmi Note 7
On Weekly Rom it is happening since long ago but reporting if devs can fix the issue

Logcat and Screen Recording attached below.

Screen Recording: attachment Glow Charging Animation Logcat.txt

My Guess is it can be fixed by reducing FPS of :


Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk
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That animation was not even supposed to be available on Redmi Note 7, so you'll have to use some other animation if this doesn't work as you expected, or try modding it yourself. We have no plans to modify the animations in any way.
That animation was not even supposed to be available on Redmi Note 7, so you'll have to use some other animation if this doesn't work as you expected, or try modding it yourself. We have no plans to modify the animations in any way.
Bro I checked this in a Redmi Note 8 in the latest beta and this animation was working smoothly I just wanted to ask that if on redmi Note 8 it was added by default or it was added by eu team and if it was the latter has this anything to do with our GPU due to which it is starting during the quick charge as I really love this animation but still it is stuttering

I know you have already sad that modifying the animation isn't a good approach but can this be fixed in any other way?

like extracting this animation from a rom of a phone with low-end specification but support of quick charge so it runs smoothly on Redmi Note 7 as this wouldn't have require modification of animation instead just a smart replace.

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk
Bro I checked this in a Redmi Note 8 in the latest beta and this animation was working smoothly I just wanted to ask that if on redmi Note 8 it was added by default or it was added by eu team and if it was the latter has this anything to do with our GPU due to which it is starting during the quick charge as I really love this animation but still it is stuttering

I know you have already sad that modifying the animation isn't a good approach but can this be fixed in any other way?

like extracting this animation from a rom of a phone with low-end specification but support of quick charge so it runs smoothly on Redmi Note 7 as this wouldn't have require modification of animation instead just a smart replace.

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk
Not Xiaomi, we unlocked it for all devices. Good to know it works smoothly, I was expecting it to lag.
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