- 2 Feb 2018
- 408
- 67
Latest updates (2018-03-17) :
- Global ROM MiuiSystemUI v8.3.15 uploaded.
- MiuiSystemUI port for Redmi 5 / Plus is coming..
- No luck on Mi Note 3 MiuiSystemUI port this week
- some Global Dev ROM are suspended : Mi Max 32G, Mi Max 64G/128G, Mi 5s Plus, Mi Max 2.
For those of us who prefer Global ROM Notification shade, now we can have it by flashing Global ROM MiuiSystemUI ports.
Flashable Zips can be downloaded from these links below (folder 'MiuiSystemUI') :
The Uninstaller Zip file works on all devices (It only restores back the original files that was backed up when you flash the MiuiSystemUI installer zip file).
Known issues :
- Charging sound switch loses its function
- Mi Drop toggle disappears from notification shade
- Switching to separate "notifications & toggles layout" mode has no effect
Some notes :
Credits : @graw2 & @Igor Eisberg, for their research and findings
- Clearing cache & dalvik is recommended
- 1st reboot after replacing MiuiSystemUI (both Install and Uninstall) needs some time (less than 10 minutes), so be patient, it's not a bootloop, I tried this several times on my Mi Max 2
- This port extract files from the same Global ROM version, so no Global ROM = No Port
- Flashing Newer ROM's MiuiSystemUI to older ROM works (for example : flashing MiuiSystemUI of Dev ROM 8.1.25 on Dev ROM 8.1.18)
- Flashing Stable ROM's MiuiSystemUI on Developer ROM = not work
- Flashing Dev ROM's MiuiSystemUI on Stable ROM = not work
- This port doesn't work on MI 6 & Mi Mix 2 (Android 8)
Please specify your device and rom version in your post.
Can i flash it if i have STABLE rom (In this moment In twrp right? I have Xiaomi Mi 5X