Ghost Touch when Charging


21 Jun 2014
I just bought the new Mi3W. Its 100% original. I user SG ROM V.14. Im happy but recently when i charged it while im using the phone... There's a ghost touch...

I already to re-installed with developer ROM and SG Stable ROM with no luck. Wipe all necessery in the mirecovery v2.01. The ghost touch is still there while im charging the phone. It only appears when im charging it!

Please feedback wheter i need to replace the digitizer or is there any software method to fix this.

Thank you.

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk
Most probably you need to replace your charger. Don't use it anymore or you could damage your battery and motherboard.
Thanks for your reply... Can i use other brand charger? As long as the output is the same right?

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk
Yes, you can use almost any branded charger. I think only Samsung ones give different output (although it won't be harmful AFAIK)
You can also try charging via pc usb to make sure it's a problem with the charger
Some charger will give u ghost touch. I had experience a few.
I assumed it was caused by unstable current running through ur power source.

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk
Thanks for your info Haro... Its all okay now since i changed my charger.