Fotocamera Mi4


19 Sep 2015
Salve ragazzi ma è normale che con la fotocamera del mio xiaomi mi4 quando faccio delle foto sotto determinate luci tipo i neon presenti nelle classi di scuola mi si creano delle strisce viola , come interferenze , uso una miui eu stable 7.1.5
precisely because it is an international forum that there are also Italian , cmq the translated message :

Hi guys , but it is normal that with the camera of my xiaomi mi4 when I make pictures under certain lighting neon type present in classrooms are created me some purple stripes , such as interference , use a eu stable 7.1.5
ah I see I was not aware of this thing : D , but I noticed that type in some phones is not this thing , then the camera of the Mi4 and so sensitive to these lights ? thank you anyway