You need to rename NON-HLOS.bin to modem.img and use the script (bat file) from the 1st post. Right?
Or you can do it without renaming it? like:
@echo off
cd %~dp0
set fastboot=bin\windows\fastboot.exe
if not exist %fastboot% echo %fastboot% not found. & pause & exit /B 1
echo Waiting for device...
set device=unknown
for /f "tokens=2" %%D in ('%fastboot% getvar product 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /l /b /c:"product:"') do set device=%%D
if "%device%" neq "garnet" echo Compatible devices: garnet & echo Your device: %device% & pause & exit /B 1
echo ##################################################################
echo Please wait. The device will reboot when installation is finished.
echo ##################################################################
%fastboot% set_active a
%fastboot% flash modem_ab NON-HLOS.bin
%fastboot% reboot