First Xiaomi phone ever! Xiaomi 14 pro Titanium first impressions and questions


24 Jan 2024
Hi guys!

As an owner of oneplus phones since 2013 I thought it was time to change things up so i imported a xiaomi 14 pro Titanium from China!

Overall impressions are good. Build quality feels solid with the titanium frame and haptics are also noticably better then my last oneplus.

Thing immediately noticed is the screen has a more yellowish tint wich I'm not fully able to correct using advanced screen settings. Now using P3 with reduced redpoint and increased saturation. Also when turning of the screen it looks like the color of the screen itself is not completely black wich is the case with the oneplus. Anybody else noticed this and have any feedback perhaps?

Also the commercial information statet that the titanium version would have dragonglass on the front and the back. Do they mean the camera glass on the back? Does any body know what material is used on the backside body? The sides are definitely titanium but the backside im not sure...

Right now im waiting for a bootloader unlock so i can install EU rom. Im going to do it myself using xiaomikey v.2.1 as soon as UBL servers go online..