New DND does nothing in MIUI 14


31 Jan 2024
Enable DND

Notifications are silent

Nothing changes compared to when DND is off. Notifications play sound.
Hi, same here. This is very annoying:
I have automatic setting DND from 10 p.m. until 8 a.m..
I have an alarm clock ringing at 6 a.m. while still being in DND mode. It seems that Right after the alarm, also other sound notifications are loud.
Is that the same setup on your device? Automatic DND or manual? Also having an alarm set?
Hi! This is very annoying indeed. In my case, neither automatic nor manual DND mode mutes any notifications. I don't have any alarm set. The notifications come through with sound at any time when DND is enabled (unless I also enable the silent mode, but that defeats the purpose of the DND mode).
Weird, does nobody else use DND mode? Or don't you have any annoying notifying messenger apps with awakening sounds at night?
Does it only affect Roms?
Hi everyone,

Same on my Xiaomi 14 and 14 Ultra.
BTW, the same bug was introduced on my Xiaomi 13 Ultra with the "update" from MIUI to HyperOS.

Software on Xiaomi is totally crap. One reason to never by a car from a company with such bad software support.

I reported the bug when Xiaomi 14 was released globally, but even after 2 or 3 updates, still doesn't work.

Xiaomi 14 Ultra is on