[dev] Opensource (multiboot) Bootloader: Efidroid (formerly Grub4android)

it won't work anyway because windows is closed source and we can't fix the drivers.
And even if we could boot it somehow it would be ultra slow because the GPU drivers are closed and work on linux only.
Additionally we wouldn't be able to fix camera and tons of other things which require closed source android binaries and services.
Infact i remember that the only device that working in multiboot Android & Windows Mobile is Htc hd2..
But this is possible because HD2 was born on Windows Mobile platform (version 6) , so all driver and other stuffs was there..Then some developers as Cotulla was porting it on Android Platform using a lot of backporting and reverse engineering using as base Nexus One,Desire HD and other device as base that i don't remember..in last period was developed cLK as bootloader..

I think that with Lk bootloader we can use it as m1cha write mainly for multiboot (as multirom fro tassadar maybe) and password-protection(like a BIOS password)..Surely M1cha know what we can do with open source bootloader
just updated the OP with more detailed information about this project.

Link to bootloader source is wrong,btw instructions on how to port GRUB are...very good described.I didnt know its common to do something like this.
Thx. Porting grub is generic because it relies on systems like BIOS, UEFI or u-boot to communicate with the hardware
So we will be able to boot arm Linux distro in our phone?? That could be awesome