- 6 Sep 2021
- 9
- 5
Hello All,
Here is a tricky situation and I'm sure the most advanced Mi users will struggle with this one! I am counting on your collective intelligence...
I have bought a Chinese Mi 11 Ultra from a Chinese website, and had an EU ROM installed.
When I flashed an update in TWRP there was a little issue with the Phone (Camera not working, some other minor issues) so I tried to flash the EU ROM from fastboot again.
That's when everything screwed up. I ended up locking the phone and bricking it.
I can only log into Fastboot or I get the terrible "The system has been destroyed" screen.
I used MiFlash to Flash a new Global ROM, Chinese ROM, EU ROM ---> didn't work.
1. I had the error message about "antirollback check pass" so I removed the lines below from the flash_all.bat script
[::check anti_version
if exist %~dp0images\anti_version.txt (for /f "delims==" %%a in (%~dp0images\anti_version.txt) do (set CURRENT_ANTI_VER=%%a))
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('fastboot %* getvar anti 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /r /c:"anti:"') do (set version=%%i)
if [%version%] EQU [] set version=0
set anticheck="antirollback check pass"
if %version% GTR %CURRENT_ANTI_VER% set anticheck="Current device antirollback version is greater than this pakcage"
echo %anticheck% | findstr /r /c:"pass" || @echo "Antirollback check error" && exit /B 1]
2. I had the error message about "crclist.txt" so I removed the lines below from the script
[fastboot %* getvar crc 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^crc: 1" && if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
fastboot %* flash crclist %~dp0images\crclist.txt || @echo "Flash crclist error" && exit /B 1
fastboot %* flash sparsecrclist %~dp0images\sparsecrclist.txt || @echo "Flash sparsecrclist error" && exit /B 1
3. Now I am stuck with the "Erase is not allowed in locked state" error message.
I tried to apply to unlock the phone via MiUnlock but it says I have to log into developper mode in the phone... which I can't do because it is bricked of course.
Can any expert help me please ?
Here is a tricky situation and I'm sure the most advanced Mi users will struggle with this one! I am counting on your collective intelligence...
I have bought a Chinese Mi 11 Ultra from a Chinese website, and had an EU ROM installed.
When I flashed an update in TWRP there was a little issue with the Phone (Camera not working, some other minor issues) so I tried to flash the EU ROM from fastboot again.
That's when everything screwed up. I ended up locking the phone and bricking it.
I can only log into Fastboot or I get the terrible "The system has been destroyed" screen.
I used MiFlash to Flash a new Global ROM, Chinese ROM, EU ROM ---> didn't work.
1. I had the error message about "antirollback check pass" so I removed the lines below from the flash_all.bat script
[::check anti_version
if exist %~dp0images\anti_version.txt (for /f "delims==" %%a in (%~dp0images\anti_version.txt) do (set CURRENT_ANTI_VER=%%a))
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('fastboot %* getvar anti 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /r /c:"anti:"') do (set version=%%i)
if [%version%] EQU [] set version=0
set anticheck="antirollback check pass"
if %version% GTR %CURRENT_ANTI_VER% set anticheck="Current device antirollback version is greater than this pakcage"
echo %anticheck% | findstr /r /c:"pass" || @echo "Antirollback check error" && exit /B 1]
2. I had the error message about "crclist.txt" so I removed the lines below from the script
[fastboot %* getvar crc 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^crc: 1" && if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
fastboot %* flash crclist %~dp0images\crclist.txt || @echo "Flash crclist error" && exit /B 1
fastboot %* flash sparsecrclist %~dp0images\sparsecrclist.txt || @echo "Flash sparsecrclist error" && exit /B 1
3. Now I am stuck with the "Erase is not allowed in locked state" error message.
I tried to apply to unlock the phone via MiUnlock but it says I have to log into developper mode in the phone... which I can't do because it is bricked of course.
Can any expert help me please ?