Battery Drain And Heating On 7.5.25 And 7.6.8 - Mi2s


12 Jun 2017
Anybody encounter enormous heating while charging and high battery drain after updating to 7.5.25 or 7.6.8?
No new apps and no changes in system from my side... GSam Battery shows 46 °C while charging.
Phone last me only half a day (before it was almost 2 days)...
Thank you for tips!
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Same thing here, the display become very hot also using 3g and enormus battery drain.

Intelling 3G xposed module can prolungate a little bit battery duration.

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thanks for partial solution. I figured out that heating and discharging problem is affecting also my Xiaomi Mi5
BUT after updating to 7.6.15 phone is significantly cooler! and also last longer! (testing 1day)
Sad that Xiaomi stopped releasing new ROMs for Mi2 until (i think) August...
Anybody encounter enormous heating while charging and high battery drain after updating to 7.5.25 or 7.6.8?
No new apps and no changes in system from my side... GSam Battery shows 46 °C while charging.
Phone last me only half a day (before it was almost 2 days)...
Thank you for tips!

how can it last 2days??? i cant reach 16hs with less than 2 of screen.. (amplify + powernap + greenify)
how can it last 2days??? i cant reach 16hs with less than 2 of screen.. (amplify + powernap + greenify)
I think those types of xposed module are unnecessary on miui, there is already a process controll inside rom.
Those module can also disturb the controller preinstalled on miui rom and cause anomaly battery drain, i suppose.

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I am using no extra apps to reach 24+h. Exactly, with normal use was no problem to reach 24 or even 48 hours.
But after those 7.5.25 and 7.6.8 updates, display is hot like hell and drain battery as never before.
Also I have almost new battery (1 year old).
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i think is more related to 3g signal in my country, because i read a lot of reviews of those app and ppl really get more hs.. but i'll give a try without those modules and see what happens. thanks guys!
if there is no update in sight only solution is comeback to previus dev or MiUi stable or try another rom, but without update source code I see it hard.

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Definitely try one of 7.4.x versions I got on this excellent battery life. I tried to dirty flash back to 7.4.x but got a lot of system errors = unusable...
I can not do factory reset so it is big problem for me. Only solution is to wait for 7.6.15 which is great on Mi5.
Definitely try one of 7.4.x versions I got on this excellent battery life. I tried to dirty flash back to 7.4.x but got a lot of system errors = unusable...
I can not do factory reset so it is big problem for me. Only solution is to wait for 7.6.15 which is great on Mi5.

You can dirty flash 7.6.8, very hot but usable.

You can't dirty flash prevous miui version, that cause a lot of problem!
Only way is full miui backup on sdcard and clean install the rom (i suggest you to make a copy of backup on you pc, for safety)
Apparently we have not update until August, can you wait so long?

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Porske thank you for your concer. I think I have no other choice I have to wait :(.

Great find ramir0 definitely will try!
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Yesterday I have clean install MiUi Globe rom stable, today live battery test ;)

I still have original xioami battery (about 4 years old) in a few weeks I should get a new not original battery bought on Aliexpress. Stay tuned xD

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Nothing, stable MiUi is little bit better but battery drain still present. Summer anyway make this phone very hot.
Waiting new battery.

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I managed to flash 7.4.6 and the battery heating/draining problem persists! Please keep us updated after you change your battery!
Alleluia!!!!! New battery is arrived!!!!

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This is my default day, notice recharg time is more than discharge
Now I install and calibrate the new battery, in a few days I post another report for it

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After few days of testing I can say that anomaly battery drain and heating still present, I notice a little bit battery duration and a bit faster charging, but in this state is impossible to arrive at the end of the day without a plug.
I hope Xiaomi release a update kernel, because I don't think I see MiUi 9 on this device :(
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Thanks for keep us updated. This is really sad news. It could be also hardware issue... I have read something about loose usb connector problem witch could be related with fast battery drain.
I read it too, but I don't known if loose usb can cause battery drain, at most can cause slow recharge. I think my usb work well...

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Even good quality batteries at this point won't have the advertised mah because they have been manufactured 3-4 years ago.And batteries loose their capacity even if they are not being used, even if they are sealed on their package.
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