Automatic call rec and proximity sensor Mi Note 10 Lite


Sep 8, 2020
Hello all, first i want to thanks for this awesome xiaomi eu software!
I have two question, on last stable version 12(Mi Note 10 lite) i can't find option for auto call recording, may be i miss her.
And the second one is popular proximity bug which interrupt calls and click random thing on the screen. I already face same issue with OEM software. Can you made a patch or fix for this? Thanks.


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I am having the same problem. I think it's a hardware problem. I have no hope for a solution
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I have the same phone but I dont have any issue.Maybe miui 12 battery performance worse than miui11. When I bought it, it wait %100 battery like 10 minutes but now it drain in 2-3 minute. In 11.0.04 version xiaomi fix the issue.If you still face with the problem maybe you can flash persist.img to another phone to your phone.Sensor problem sometimes related to persist partition.Can you try? If it fix the problem. Could you write here?
и аз го имам този проблем със сензора. голяма гадост. трябва да държиш телефона без да го накланяш за да може да направиш разговор като хората