App/tweak to wake up phone


11 Sep 2013
Hi, I am new here, I have just bought a Xiaomi MI2S and I am wondering if there is an app or tweak that allows to wake up the phone without pressing the unlock button, for example by swiping a finger on the screen or by tapping one of the soft touch buttons. I have already tried the numerous apps that use the proximity sensor but I am not satisfied. If someone could help me I will really thank him! ;)
Yes there is. Its a gesture control app that you will find in Google Play. Or you can install my ROM from MIUIPolska.
It has gesture control freature built in Settings options. It works using proximity sensor. My rom is in polish language but it also has english.
Thank you for your reply but I said I have already tried numerous apps that use the proximity sensor but I am not satisfied by those. I am looking for an app that uses the soft touch buttons or some gesture on the screen. However I thank you for your suggestion.
this feature is typically build into the kernel so you will have to get a kernel that supports it and an app that supports it. I have the nexus 4 and you can install most any compatible custom kernel (all of faux's will work ) and then I use an app called touch control which has various options on how to wake the phone by only touching the screen (mine is set to double tap) also make sure to give it permission to start on boot
Thank you for your reply, however, the app you suggested me works only on Galaxy Nexus and on Nexus 4/7 devices. Moreover I need a custom kernel as you said, but anyone know how to change kernel on Xiaomi Mi2S? I think it is not possible, but if anyone know how to, please, explain it.
you are correct there is no way to change the kernel on Xiaomi devices. Because;

and here is the link to that thread
Sorry for "upping" this 3d, but I would know if now, because of kernel release by Xiaomi, I could have the tweak I need. Is that right?
It could. But that doesn't mean it will xD.
BTW, I use " Simple cover lock " app and it works flawlessly on my m2s,without any big battery drain.

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