Any fix for Chrome menu issue????

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8 Aug 2014
So I just ordered a 64gb mipad yesterday and now I read about the chrome menu issue and now I'm VERY concerned, cuz browsing the friggin Internet is what I ordered the tablet for!!! And now it sounds like that doesn't even work. I am NOT gonna switch the functionality of the recent apps key for a menu button, that's freaking retarded cuz, I switch apps all the time and use the recent apps button all the time.

Is it possible to enable on-screen buttons/Nav bar in some way using a root app? Something like "ultimate dynamic nav bar lite" which supposedly works in kitkat? Do rooted gesture control apps (that let u mimic a menu button press by a swipe or something) work? Is it possible once rooted to modify a file to disable the 3 second hold for recent apps to open menu (which obviously doesn't work) so that chrome doesn't recognize a hardware menu button and actually displays it like it should?

Does MIUI even care that chrome doesn't work? Do they plan on fixing? Impossible to use without a menu....

I'm really upset, this is supposed to be the best tablet in the world but apparently u can't even browse the Internet!!!
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Now that you mention it, although ultimate dynamic nav bar lite installed (and worked) fine it did not show the menu for chrome... (Btw, long pressing the 'recent apps' button on your device also acts as menu button)

I ended up remapping the recent apps button uising this info, and now pressing it shows me the menu in chrome as well:

Seems like it's a 'feature' of chrome, no menu button on device = no menu in chrome?
Ah, is that the older rom? Not the newest development version?

Ah well, doesn't show up on mine either but at least with the workaround it seems to be ok...
Sorry, remapping the recent apps button is NOT an acceptable workaround for me. I need the recent apps button... Use it all the time.

Anyone else have an idea for a work around? Maybe I'll just stick with the old rom til it gets fixed...
Long pressing does not show Manu of Chrome browser. Three dot Manu shows during start of Chrome browser then hide and no way to access it
Use the remap method, your recents button gives you menu in chrome. When in chrome or any other app or home screen, long press home button to get recents.

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Why dont use stock browser??? You can link your google account with stock browser. I have my favorite sites of Chrome in stock browser
Chrome is double faster than Browser on MiPad. Run Vellamo benchmark to see incredible results for Chrome beta. We will fix the button on next release.
It will be remapped.

Wysłane z MI4 W
Just install WSM tools and the 3 Dot Mod plugin, works perfect for me.


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Thanks a ton Mikel, that's exactly the type of fix I was looking for.

And to Acid, what do you mean by "it will be remapped". Surely you don't mean that you will disable the recent apps key and swap it for a menu key, right??

That would be totally ass-backwards in this day and age...
Thanks a ton Mikel, that's exactly the type of fix I was looking for.

And to Acid, what do you mean by "it will be remapped". Surely you don't mean that you will disable the recent apps key and swap it for a menu key, right??

That would be totally ass-backwards in this day and age...
recent apps can be shown by long press of home button.. so extra recent apps button is useless and have a menu key is better...
You seriously want me to have to LONG PRESS a button every time i quickly want to switch apps??? Do you know how much time that wastes? I want to switch apps INSTANTLY, thats why they made the recent apps button.. Now you want to take it away? U know how much that pissed me off on every samsung device i used to own before they finally WISED UP and adopted the recent apps button, like everyone else??? Yeah, even samsung finally uses the recent apps button, and they were the biggest proponents against it.

I will be pissed if you break my device after i just paid for a device with a recent apps button. Very pissed. The hardware menu button is DEAD.

Google has tried to make this very clear. Not only is it pointless with software menu buttons, but it's contextually stupid... Because you never know if the menu button will actually DO anything, so you have to keep pressing it all the time just to find it if there is even an overflow menu to use.

That's why google ditched the menu button.. Now you guys wanna try to bring it back from the dead just because you can't impliment the correct use?? Insane.
I share your point of view Seattletruth, it does feel backwards to long press to access recent apps. The instant recent apps button makes a so much smoother experience overall especially in a tablet.

Thanks Mikel for the tip.
Time of the long press is 0,5 seconds so let's say you use MiPad for 5 hours a day, switching apps every 10 minutes, that gives about 15 seconds of waste. Every day.
But we can double that to be safe. So assume 30 seconds. It's already enough as I rarely switch apps from that function. That's average 900 seconds a month. 3 hours every year.
So... 0.03% of the year (in hours) you will waste on that button. Not bad.

I think more time you will waste waiting for a bus or train. Or smoking...

Wysłane z MI4 W
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I get the point that this function already existed by maintaining the "home" button, and you can even put a shorter timer of this long press. I get that a fair point and some people would prefer this way for accessing multitasking. I also get that some people, with their own reasons, don't switch apps that often.

But is it so off the mark that others people would prefer the other way around? After all, Google did hire Matias Duarte from Palm in order to revamp Android, and the multitasking feature and the way to access it has been a pretty big deal since Honeycomb.

And comparing waiting time, it's not really fair, those are not the same things at all. I take planes a lot, sometimes more than the bus, but every time I wait, say 15 minutes for the bus or 2 hours for a plane because I have to be at the airport early on, every time, I don't quite like it. Same thing goes for those 0.5 seconds.

I'm getting your point of view, I even value it, but it doesn't mean ours should be diminished by it. We should have the choice to whether apply one of the other function to the "menu" button without losing the ability to access Chrome's menu.

Some of us switch to Chrome, or even better to Chrome beta just to gain a few seconds once in a while.
It's not about Chrome only. Eg. Facebook sites manager app doesn't have menu in some certain screens like conversation. Hitting menu button will reveal that menu.

Well until we figure it out how to bring back 3 dot menu in Chrome we will have remapped buttons. As we said. For now recent apps function is triggered by 2 buttons so there's no point of having it and not having access to Chrome settings.

Wysłane z MI4 W
Wyslane - sorry for getting so upset earlier. I will try to be more calm.
Here is my issue.

I just paid $380 for a device that was sold with a recent apps button. I personally love the recent apps button and love just tapping it and switching apps instantly.

Google itself loves the recent apps button and spent the last 2 years using all its might to finally pressure ALL device makers to get on the wagon and include a recent apps button, even the mighty stalwart Samsung.

Now here out of nowhere and against all odds, a tiny group of developers is going to go against the grain, breaking the functionality of a device that was sold and advertised to have a certain function? Even though the button itself still has the logo for the recent apps?

Here's another way to phrase it... You are talking about messing with people's HARDWARE without asking them. Who are u to make that decision for us? It's not what we PAID for. Is it going too far for the software designers to change the hardware function of a product after the fact? It's unprecedented...

And if you guys do decide to mess with people's HARDWARE after they paid for a product and without asking... Will you at least provide instructions so that we can remap the keys back to get what we paid for.. And so the function represents the label of the key?

I say once again:
recent apps function is triggered by 2 buttons (left button and middle button). But there's no way to open menu in Chrome and few other apps. So the temporary solution for this will be remapping left button.

Wysłane z MI4 W
Thanks Wyzlane. Maybe it was fate, the site I ordered the mipad from ( just returned my PayPal money without me asking, coincidentally! They are trying to rip me off by making me send it western Union instead.

But now I have money back, and i do not want a xiaomi mipad without a recent apps key, so I will buy something else. I guess Nvidia shield tablet. It sounds like you guys were not ready to release a product yet, it's still in beta phase. Typical of Chinese electronics... It always seems to be the case, they sell the product before the software is even usable.

Good luck, it just wasn't meant to be .
The instructions to map the buttons back are mentioned earlier in this thread... So that shouldn't be an issue.

Then again, I somehow miss the 'long press home to show recent apps' function and I can only select 'Close Current App' in the buttons section of the settings?
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