Annoying security notification


20 Oct 2020
I disabled internet access for several apps (disable ads download etc)

Annoying thing is: "security" gives me a notification "app xyz has no internet access. tap here to change settings"
every time i start one of these apps.

If my smartphone were a person i would yell straight into the ear: NO, I WANT IT EXACTLY LIKE THIS... :mad:

Well.... Disable notification? At that point i can only disable ALL notifications from "security" but hey:
There might probably come a time when i really want to know what "security" has to tell me...

Anyone knows a way around this superfluous notification?

Btw.: MI10 with latest beta rom
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Funny coincidence you're asking right now i guess...

After upgrade to MUI14 (2 days ago) this message didn't appear anymore....

BUT: the app i tested right now downloads advertisements even though it should not be allowed :mad:

My best guess: an app not allowed to use wireless/mobile does even tho. Bug?

annoying message appeared again.
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yeah mam I noticed some apps still display adverts even tho I restricted all networks... this is absolutely ridiculous :[

my phone (mi note 10 pro) didnt get Miui14 but I found a fix to the original problem from the post: I downloaded NOTIC app ( ; I tried a few other but they didnt work and this works great). u can manually add rules for particular security notifications and read blocked ones in a log so You can check if u didnt miss an important security notification
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