Invalid 9.12.5 Mi 6 - Color scheme does not work.


30 Jul 2019
As i try to change color to warmer , i I noticed that nothing change in colors. All options doesn't work.

No problems here on Mi 6. Showing screenshots is useless because the color temperature applies to your display, not software elements like screenshots.
No problems here on Mi 6. Showing screenshots is useless because the color temperature applies to your display, not software elements like screenshots.
Yes i know, i attached screenshots to show what option exactly i mean. Nothing change to me, for the first time i experience this.
I don't know why you mark the topic invalid, because color scheme still doesn't work for me anymore, reading mode too.
I don't know why you mark the topic invalid, because color scheme still doesn't work for me anymore, reading mode too.
Because it works for me on the same device, which means something is wrong with your device. Try a clean flash.