[8.12.27] Updater has stopped


11 Apr 2013
Now that i enabled crash dialog and ANR, I see that Updater app is crashing on each boot.
"Unfortunately, Updater has stopped" (not sure of the exact english msg cause my phone is set to french)

- Like advised here, I tried to delete the app data : setting>>Installed Apps>>Updater App>>Clear Data>> Clear all data
- Tried to wipe dalvik&cache from twrp
- I checked permissions too, there's only one required by the app : Storage and it is enabled (just in case, i tried to make it cycle too)

android.app.Remote ServiceException: Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground(): ServiceRecord{2b08201 uo pl.zdunex25.updater/.AlarmService)
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Unknown Source:335)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source: 21)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Unknown Source:208)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(Unknown Source:107)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Unknown Source:11)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(Unknown Source:274)
it's still the same with 9.1.3 but it this new version the app can be deactivated, with the error too

phone log :
  • new phone
  • bootloader unlocking
  • global stable 10.1.2 PEAMIFI 20181211 9.0 install from miflash
  • twrp install from fastboot command
  • wipe all (dalvik+cache+system+data+internal storage) from twrp
  • reboot to recovery
  • xiaomi.eu dev 8.12.27 install from twrp
  • reboot to system
  • magisk install from twrp
  • reboot to system
  • wipe dalvik+cache from twrp
  • xiaomi.eu dev 9.1.3 install from twrp
  • wipe dalvik+cache from twrp
Well, code seems just fine am gonna need someone else to confirm before I start to fix it on blind.
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For now if you could check Updater app version, it should be 7.0 or 7.1
For now if you could check Updater app version, it should be 7.0 or 7.1
dipper:/ # pm dump pl.zdunex25.updater | grep -i version                                                                                
    versionCode=70 minSdk=19 targetSdk=27

edit : just in case if you didnt yet notice this stackoverflow link that seems related to the context of this error (the crash occurs right after the end of boot)
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I did, but look fixed code already on its place for 7.1+:

and at this moment does not FC for me on Oreo and the team (Oreo/Pie)
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and at this moment does not FC for me on Oreo and the team (Oreo/Pie)
now it's your 7.2 from 9.1.10 but it still crash after booting the phone, even after deleting the app data and wiping cache&dalvik from twrp.
just to mention in case it wasnt clear : the app is perfectly functional if launched manually