Resolved 2.3.16 BUGS

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First time poster - just connected to say congrats on the ICS Rom. Given it's still in beta, it's still highly usable for me on my SGS2.

One apparently unreported bug I've found is that Exchange sync doesn't work for the calendar. Email seems to be ok, just not the calendar - which is a big one for me. Hope it's an easy one to fix.

Keep up the good work, it's much aprpeciated, and well worth my clicking on a few ads here and there to reward you for your efforts.

Music app appears to be unstable when the phone app is launched

I can play music fine and when I answer a phone call with the music still playing it pauses, however when i finish the phone call and hang up, the phone freezes and reboots.
probably something to do with the stock phone app.

Has anyone else noticed that their dock icons randomly shuffle themselves about from time to time?

Also, I can't seem to adjust the alarm unless I have a clock widget. What if I don't want the widget? Is there no normal icon? (This could be a picnic issue!)
been having this issue for a while but maybe thought it was just me. wanted to know if anyone can confirm. lockscreen consistently shows a notification for 1 to 2 SMSs and no audible notification ringtone for incoming SMS even if I use another SMS app like GoSMSPro
Nexus s sms no compose button but got go sms problem solved great rom keep up the great work best around without a doubt cheers to all developers here.
Nexus s sms no compose button but got go sms problem solved great rom keep up the great work best around without a doubt cheers to all developers here.
that has been fixed, there is a link in the rom release thread :)
that has been fixed, there is a link in the rom release thread :)

Hey Mark, sorry if I'm being dense but I can't find the link. I tried the apk from the 2.3.23 but it wouldn't install so I'm guessing it's not compatible for the Nexus S.
adb remount
adb push Mms.apk /system/app/

Is this likely to be included in the next update of the ROM? I'm struggling with getting the SDK/Java to work on my 64Bit laptop (I knew it wasn't a good idea to upgrade!) and as it's not really a major issue for me I'm happy to wait. Thx :)
Is this likely to be included in the next update of the ROM? I'm struggling with getting the SDK/Java to work on my 64Bit laptop (I knew it wasn't a good idea to upgrade!) and as it's not really a major issue for me I'm happy to wait. Thx :)
Yes the Mms.apk hack will be present in Friday's build by default :)
Closed thread as there is too many merged bugs and requests.

Mms.apk from the link above will fix the compose bar issue. Other issues hopefully can be resolved by re downloading the ROM for 2.3.23 if you haven't already tried, also check the file MD5 against the one on our page.


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