New 12.5.10 some recent apps not open

Thanks for the quick response, @Poney70!
Thanks for sharing the files!
I have a problem with TWRP's version. Here's the screen with the error.


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Thanks for the quick response, @Poney70!
Thanks for sharing the files!
I have a problem with TWRP's version. Here's the screen with the error.
You have a recent device so it has the new dynamic partioning system => System partition is in forced Read-Only mode, TWRP can't modify the content of this partition... ;)
Just reiterating what was said in the past several months: as of Android 11, the Recents panel and the Full Screen Gestures are inseparable parts of MIUI launcher, and their support for third-party launchers is abysmal, to say the least, and are tied to MIUI launcher's main activity, violating AOSP's design standards for these components. We can't recode the whole launcher, you should demand that from Xiaomi.
you know that standard miui roms doesnt have this issue.
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i am now with clean install on the current weekly (21.11.12). Here's that problem again. But first I have to install root before I can fix it. sucks slowly.
The issue seems to happen only with third party launcher. Swapping to default launcher and back to third party one should fix the problem for a while.

As a workaround I managed to create a tasker shortcut that does that and hides my nav bar for third party gesture navigation. The task A1 is the important one to fix recents menu temporarily:

    Task: Hide Navigation Bar
    A1: Go Home [
         Page: 0
         Package: com.miui.home ]
    A2: Custom Setting [
         Type: Global
         Name: force_fsg_nav_bar
         Value: 1 ]
Thank you for the workaround. That works. I had the problem with the last stable update for Mi9 lite, the 12.5.5 and I was near to downgrade to previous version. I will keep the last one but hope that Xiaomi resolves definitely the problem.
Is there anyone else who continues to have this problem on Android 12? I'm also trying to create a solution using Magisk. Unfortunately I can't find a working version of the MiuiHome.apk
Does anyone have a working launcher app on Android 12 and can upload it? That would be great!
I do realize that, that is why it confuses me, but I think they may be different branches hence the weird build number when compared to the actual version.

For those willing to give it a try I have created this Magisk module (based on that downgrades the MIUI Launcher version to the last RELEASE version that does not exhibit the bug (

Let me know if that does the trick for you guys. On my Poco F2 Pro running MIUI stable v12.5.4 it seems to work just fine. But of course take it with a grain of salt.

PS: SafetyNet still ok if you are wondering.

Is it possible to reupload that file again?

Thanks in advance!
The version is not anymore compatible with Android 12. Does anyone goes to update it?
I just wanted to add my experience to this, so I'm using Nova launcher and the recent list was broken, somehow I got it fixed, it seems changing the "the smallest width" to 455 did the trick, my goal was to have more real estate to play with but it seems it fixes the recent list issue.
Have the same issus on Mi 11 Pro with Rom 12.5.20 Stable.

What solved it for me was switching "Arrange Items in Recents" in Settings from Vertically to Horizontally. Will see how long it lasts.
One workaround I figured for this issue is going to Settings -> Apps -> Manage apps, find "System launcher", then "Force stop".
Apparently the issue happens when switching to a third-party launcher while System launcher is still running in the background, which causes hardware acceleration to be disabled for the Recents panel unexpectedly. Tough issue to figure out, even tougher to find a fix for it that doesn't involve forcefully killing the System launcher whenever switching to another launcher.
I try this, works, but after time, MIUI Launcer is run again. Freezing with Titanium Backup is not possible.