Hi everybody,
just installed a 6.5.30 xiaomi eu dev rom.
Done supersu.
Rebooted and wiped all kind of caches.
What i notice is a weird battery drain, with this rom i cannot go through 3.20h of SOT. Sometimes i notice that the battery % goes down at sight while using the device.
My traffic is...
Hi guys, I bought a new Mi4 2 weeks ago. It arrived with a fake rom, I installed Xiaomi.eu KK. First days I suffered of huge battery drain without sim inserted, but now, with sim, the main problem is the battery drain after enabling airplane mode. Once the battery start to fall the only...
Dear all,
I'm using my mi4c for several months, and I'm very pleased with this phone. Untill last week, it seems that my phone draines the battery very, very fast. When the phone was new I could use it al least the entire day without fully draining the battery. Now the percentage drops from...
Hey guys.
Since latest weekly ROM an App called mediaserver is always on top of my battery drain list. As it is an integrated App I cannot use any energy saving method.
Anyone knows either how to fix this or what this App does?
Thanks in advance