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  1. woutur

    New [4.5.9, later and earlier] Mi2-S No notifications for several apps

    Thanks for the reply. The tricks and settings there are nowhere to be found these days in the ROM. Also, I do not experience a delay, my notifications will never come. Or if you will: the delay is eternal to infinity. There is just no event.
  2. woutur

    New [4.5.9, later and earlier] Mi2-S No notifications for several apps

    Issue is present ever since I have the phone (2013, october). Some apps send push notifications on events. The apps I use that make use of this: - Livescores (soccer) - Notify My Android - Flitsmeister The first two fail wholly. There is no notification, no sound. I've come from a Sony android...
  3. woutur

    [SOLVED] Mi2-S 3.11.x Birthday date not showing correctly in contacts

    Bug solved in version 3.12.20. Big thanks!
  4. woutur

    [SOLVED] Mi2-S 3.11.x Birthday date not showing correctly in contacts

    Contacts in MIUI do not show normal dates for birthdays on contactinformation. I suspect this is a date format issue. For instance 2 october 1972 comes out as 24-02-0008. Time to get with the Gregorian calendar!
  5. woutur

    New mi2-S 3.11.1 Bluetooth phonebook and filtering contacts

    Problem is still appearing on 3.11.15. It really makes the phonebook contacts in my car kind of unreadable. I have to scroll through 30~40 empty contacts (that have no name) before I get to the first real entry in my phonebook. Of course, this is not the case with the default Dialler in the...
  6. woutur

    New 3.11.8 No headset notification

    On my MI2S with 3.11.8 I had to plugin my headphones twice. First time when the phone was off, nothing happened. Second time with the phone on, it detected the headphones.
  7. woutur

    New mi2-S 3.11.1 Bluetooth phonebook and filtering contacts

    I've set a filter in Contacts so only contacts with a phonenumber are shown. When syncing my phone with the car handsfree set, ALL contacts are synced, including people who have *mailed* me once. Normal operation (with other phones, like HTC Hero and Sony XPeria P) is that when syncing the...