Hi everyone,
I am using POCO F3 (Alioth), with xiaomi.eu rom, not rooted.
Today, I paid for my lunch using my phone without issue. Around 30 minutes later, when I was trying to pay for another purchase, google wallet told me I can't because my device doesn't meet security requirements.
What I tried to fix it:
1) Update to latest ROM version using OTA
2) Check the dual apps, I do not have any enabled
3) Clear wallet and google services data
4) 'Restore NFC' functionality option
5) All three secure element positions, then again 'Restore NFC functionality'
None of the above worked. Attached are screenshots from SafetyNet/Integrity checkers and system info about my device.
Any tips how to resolve this issue are welcome.
Thank you for your time
I am using POCO F3 (Alioth), with xiaomi.eu rom, not rooted.
Today, I paid for my lunch using my phone without issue. Around 30 minutes later, when I was trying to pay for another purchase, google wallet told me I can't because my device doesn't meet security requirements.
What I tried to fix it:
1) Update to latest ROM version using OTA
2) Check the dual apps, I do not have any enabled
3) Clear wallet and google services data
4) 'Restore NFC' functionality option
5) All three secure element positions, then again 'Restore NFC functionality'
None of the above worked. Attached are screenshots from SafetyNet/Integrity checkers and system info about my device.
Any tips how to resolve this issue are welcome.
Thank you for your time
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