MI 9 unlocked bootloader, blocked in boot mode due to low battery during update (i guess) please help


21 May 2017
Hello i have problem with the mi9 of my friend
her phone seems to be block in boot process...we can see the Mi logo and the android power up with 3 points moving like if it is starting but nothing happens...
we let it starting for one complete night nothing has changed.
I can access to recovery mode pushing volume up + start button...i could do swap data but she doesn't want to loose some phone call records cause their is the voice of her last chat with her mum passed away some months ago...

for now what i know :
- her phone doesn't have the usb debugging options activated ;(
- when i connect the phone to my pc it doesn't recognized and appears on my pc
- i tried the miassitsant option in the recovery mode but mipcsuite doesn't see it too...
- not sure a mi account was created on her phone...she said she think we did one but the infos( id andpass was kept on a sms on her phone LOL)

so for now the only thing i see is that, in adb, when i typed .\adb devices i can see a number with "sideload" written beside it....does it help to find a way to modify the boot.img for an update or to transferts files from the phone to my pc?

question more : what is the path for phone calls recorded in a MI9? maybe i could use a push or pull option in adb?

i thought aboput contacting xiaomi for unlock the phone but as it seems to be blocked in boot mode i don't now if it would change something

i hope you understood well my poor english

please help ...
If it can help here is what i have when i used the miflash program

AGMService.exe AGSService.exe Adobe CEF Helper.exe Adobe Desktop Service.exe AdobeIPCBroker.exe AdobeUpdateService.exe ApplicationFrameHost.exe AudialsNotifier.exe BdVpnService.exe CCXProcess.exe CCleaner64.exe CCleanerBrowserCrashHandler.exe CCleanerBrowserCrashHandler64.exe Calculator.exe CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe Creative Cloud.exe Dashboard.Service.exe Dashboard.exe DiscoverySrv.exe EpicGamesLauncher.exe EpicWebHelper.exe HPPrintScanDoctorService.exe LockApp.exe Memory Compression MiPhoneHelper.exe MoUsoCoreWorker.exe Music.UI.exe NVDisplay.Container.exe OfficeClickToRun.exe OneDrive.exe ProductAgentService.exe Registry RtkNGUI64.exe RuntimeBroker.exe ScanToPCActivationApp.exe Scheduler.exe ScpService.exe ScpTrayApp.exe SearchApp.exe SearchFilterHost.exe SearchIndexer.exe SearchProtocolHost.exe SecurityHealthService.exe SecurityHealthSystray.exe SettingSyncHost.exe SgrmBroker.exe ShellExperienceHost.exe StartMenuExperienceHost.exe SwUSB.exe System SystemSettings.exe TextInputHost.exe UserOOBEBroker.exe Video.UI.exe WUDFHost.exe WmiPrvSE.exe YourPhone.exe [System Process] adb.exe armsvc.exe audiodg.exe bdagent.exe bdntwrk.exe bdredline.exe bdservicehost.exe bdvpnapp.exe conhost.exe csrss.exe ctfmon.exe dasHost.exe dllhost.exe dwm.exe ensserver.exe explorer.exe fontdrvhost.exe lsass.exe lync.exe miflash_unlock.exe node.exe runSW.exe services.exe sihost.exe smartscreen.exe smss.exe spoolsv.exe svchost.exe taskhostw.exe unsecapp.exe updatesrv.exe wininit.exe winlogon.exe
DEBUG <10:37:18.136,T:16292> : miflash_unlock start
DEBUG <10:37:18.684,T:13176> : auto refresh device list
DEBUG <10:37:18.699,T:13176> : use bus desp:MI 9 instead of Android ADB Interface
DEBUG <10:37:18.715,T:13176> : new usb\vid_18d1&pid_4e11\d9995836
INFO <10:37:18.715,T:13176> : fastboot devices
WARNING<10:37:24.212,T:16292> : account loading error:-21
DEBUG <10:37:24.946,T:16292> : [0]End: data:text/html,chromewebdata
DEBUG <10:37:25.261,T:13176> : auto refresh device list
DEBUG <10:37:25.268,T:13176> : use bus desp:MI 9 instead of Android ADB Interface
INFO <10:37:25.272,T:13176> : fastboot devices
ERROR <10:37:31.387,T:13168> : http get error code[curl]:6
INFO <10:37:48.319,T:1116> : new app version:6.5.406.31 url:http://miuirom.xiaomi.com/rom/u1106245679/6.5.406.31/miflash_unlock-en-6.5.406.31.zip
DEBUG <10:37:50.540,T:13176> : auto refresh device list
DEBUG <10:37:50.556,T:13176> : use desp:Android Bootloader Interface instead of Android
DEBUG <10:37:50.571,T:13176> : remove usb\vid_18d1&pid_4e11\d9995836
DEBUG <10:37:50.571,T:13176> : new usb\vid_18d1&pid_d00d\d9995836
INFO <10:37:50.571,T:13176> : fastboot devices
DEBUG <10:37:50.656,T:15372> : -s d9995836 oem device-info
DEBUG <10:37:50.756,T:15372> : ...
(bootloader) Verity mode: true
(bootloader) Device unlocked: false
(bootloader) Device critical unlocked: false
(bootloader) Charger screen enabled: false
OKAY [ 0.016s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
DEBUG <10:37:50.756,T:15372> : getvar product -s d9995836
DEBUG <10:37:50.841,T:15372> : product: cepheus
finished. total time: 0.000s

i tried to download files from devices but not sure of the path where the voice records are saved :
adb pull [-l] /internal share storage/MIUI/sound_recorder/call_rec/
adb pull [-l] /MIUI/sound_recorder/call_rec/

is the path correct?


  • IMG_20220320_192311_copy_864x1152.jpg
    135.3 KB · Views: 471
Hello i have problem with the mi9 of my friend
her phone seems to be block in boot process...we can see the Mi logo and the android power up with 3 points moving like if it is starting but nothing happens...
we let it starting for one complete night nothing has changed.
I can access to recovery mode pushing volume up + start button...i could do swap data but she doesn't want to loose some phone call records cause their is the voice of her last chat with her mum passed away some months ago...

for now what i know :
- her phone doesn't have the usb debugging options activated ;(
- when i connect the phone to my pc it doesn't recognized and appears on my pc
- i tried the miassitsant option in the recovery mode but mipcsuite doesn't see it too...
- not sure a mi account was created on her phone...she said she think we did one but the infos( id andpass was kept on a sms on her phone LOL)

so for now the only thing i see is that, in adb, when i typed .\adb devices i can see a number with "sideload" written beside it....does it help to find a way to modify the boot.img for an update or to transferts files from the phone to my pc?

question more : what is the path for phone calls recorded in a MI9? maybe i could use a push or pull option in adb?

i thought aboput contacting xiaomi for unlock the phone but as it seems to be blocked in boot mode i don't now if it would change something

i hope you understood well my poor english

please help ...
If it can help here is what i have when i used the miflash program

AGMService.exe AGSService.exe Adobe CEF Helper.exe Adobe Desktop Service.exe AdobeIPCBroker.exe AdobeUpdateService.exe ApplicationFrameHost.exe AudialsNotifier.exe BdVpnService.exe CCXProcess.exe CCleaner64.exe CCleanerBrowserCrashHandler.exe CCleanerBrowserCrashHandler64.exe Calculator.exe CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe Creative Cloud.exe Dashboard.Service.exe Dashboard.exe DiscoverySrv.exe EpicGamesLauncher.exe EpicWebHelper.exe HPPrintScanDoctorService.exe LockApp.exe Memory Compression MiPhoneHelper.exe MoUsoCoreWorker.exe Music.UI.exe NVDisplay.Container.exe OfficeClickToRun.exe OneDrive.exe ProductAgentService.exe Registry RtkNGUI64.exe RuntimeBroker.exe ScanToPCActivationApp.exe Scheduler.exe ScpService.exe ScpTrayApp.exe SearchApp.exe SearchFilterHost.exe SearchIndexer.exe SearchProtocolHost.exe SecurityHealthService.exe SecurityHealthSystray.exe SettingSyncHost.exe SgrmBroker.exe ShellExperienceHost.exe StartMenuExperienceHost.exe SwUSB.exe System SystemSettings.exe TextInputHost.exe UserOOBEBroker.exe Video.UI.exe WUDFHost.exe WmiPrvSE.exe YourPhone.exe [System Process] adb.exe armsvc.exe audiodg.exe bdagent.exe bdntwrk.exe bdredline.exe bdservicehost.exe bdvpnapp.exe conhost.exe csrss.exe ctfmon.exe dasHost.exe dllhost.exe dwm.exe ensserver.exe explorer.exe fontdrvhost.exe lsass.exe lync.exe miflash_unlock.exe node.exe runSW.exe services.exe sihost.exe smartscreen.exe smss.exe spoolsv.exe svchost.exe taskhostw.exe unsecapp.exe updatesrv.exe wininit.exe winlogon.exe
DEBUG <10:37:18.136,T:16292> : miflash_unlock start
DEBUG <10:37:18.684,T:13176> : auto refresh device list
DEBUG <10:37:18.699,T:13176> : use bus desp:MI 9 instead of Android ADB Interface
DEBUG <10:37:18.715,T:13176> : new usb\vid_18d1&pid_4e11\d9995836
INFO <10:37:18.715,T:13176> : fastboot devices
WARNING<10:37:24.212,T:16292> : account loading error:-21
DEBUG <10:37:24.946,T:16292> : [0]End: data:text/html,chromewebdata
DEBUG <10:37:25.261,T:13176> : auto refresh device list
DEBUG <10:37:25.268,T:13176> : use bus desp:MI 9 instead of Android ADB Interface
INFO <10:37:25.272,T:13176> : fastboot devices
ERROR <10:37:31.387,T:13168> : http get error code[curl]:6
INFO <10:37:48.319,T:1116> : new app version:6.5.406.31 url:http://miuirom.xiaomi.com/rom/u1106245679/6.5.406.31/miflash_unlock-en-6.5.406.31.zip
DEBUG <10:37:50.540,T:13176> : auto refresh device list
DEBUG <10:37:50.556,T:13176> : use desp:Android Bootloader Interface instead of Android
DEBUG <10:37:50.571,T:13176> : remove usb\vid_18d1&pid_4e11\d9995836
DEBUG <10:37:50.571,T:13176> : new usb\vid_18d1&pid_d00d\d9995836
INFO <10:37:50.571,T:13176> : fastboot devices
DEBUG <10:37:50.656,T:15372> : -s d9995836 oem device-info
DEBUG <10:37:50.756,T:15372> : ...
(bootloader) Verity mode: true
(bootloader) Device unlocked: false
(bootloader) Device critical unlocked: false
(bootloader) Charger screen enabled: false
OKAY [ 0.016s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
DEBUG <10:37:50.756,T:15372> : getvar product -s d9995836
DEBUG <10:37:50.841,T:15372> : product: cepheus
finished. total time: 0.000s

i tried to download files from devices but not sure of the path where the voice records are saved :
adb pull [-l] /internal share storage/MIUI/sound_recorder/call_rec/
adb pull [-l] /MIUI/sound_recorder/call_rec/

is the path correct?
try this…