logo.bin to remove unlocked warning


21 Jun 2016
I've created with the help of the Sagit Logo Generator a powered by xiaomi.eu logo to remove the word "unlocked".

Download: New Logo

Install boot logo via Fastboot mode:
  1. fastboot flash logo new_logo.img
  2. fastboot reboot
How to restore:
Just flash logo.img in official fastboot ROM or downoad Original Logo.


  • mi6_logo_new.png
    29.9 KB · Views: 9,022
Last edited:
I've created with the help of the Sagit Logo Generator a powered by xiaomi.eu logo to remove the word "unlocked".

Download: New Logo

Install boot logo via Fastboot mode:
  1. fastboot flash logo new_logo.img
  2. fastboot reboot
How to restore:
Just flash logo.img in official fastboot ROM or downoad Original Logo.

Thank's a lot! Worked fine on my Mi 9 Lite. Maybe the devs should apply this logo to every ROM
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Reactions: Don415
Does not work on Mi 10 Pro :( In fact, now I also have a message displayed, that my device can't be trusted,
instead of just saying "Unlocked" at the bottom of the screen on device start... How can I get rid of that now??

The original image also has been removed from the link. Great...
You can't just flash an img meant for other devices.. Flashing wrong logo.img usually doesn't brick a phone, it just defaults to android stock boot logo (instead of xiaomis), any other img would certainly softbrick the device. You need to search for device specific mods. So far I've used custom logos for mi6 and Mi9, some guy wrote a python script to generate custom logo imgs for Mi9, maybe you could mod it for mi10?
You can't just flash an img meant for other devices.. Flashing wrong logo.img usually doesn't brick a phone, it just defaults to android stock boot logo (instead of xiaomis), any other img would certainly softbrick the device. You need to search for device specific mods. So far I've used custom logos for mi6 and Mi9, some guy wrote a python script to generate custom logo imgs for Mi9, maybe you could mod it for mi10?
Yeah, that's what I just found out ;) Unfortunately I am no modder...
So I just won't do such thing again XD