How to: Install new MIUI-Launcher with new animations

When doing the manual way and rebooting my phone, the system launcher is stuck on "Just a sec..." infinitely.
I am on a Mi 9T Pro and tried it both on the latest weekly build and the latest stable build, same result both times.

Edit: I am on Orangefox recovery.
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When doing the manual way and rebooting my phone, the system launcher is stuck on "Just a sec..." infinitely.
I am on a Mi 9T Pro and tried it both on the latest weekly build and the latest stable build, same result both times.

Edit: I am on Orangefox recovery.
Try method on #23 comment
Launcher version?
Command adb?
Thanks.... :)

I did this adb procedure:

-> Launcher: MIUI System Launcher ALPHA- from this link (
-> Unsing minimal_adb_fastboot v1.4 (
-> Windows 10

1° - Go to developer settings and enable "Developer Options", "USB Debugging" and "Install via USB"

developer options.jpg

2° - Connect your phone over USB cable

3° - If you are using Minimal_adb_fastboot, just click on "Minimal ADB and Fastboot" icon.

If you are using another adb go to adb folder on your PC, hold shift and do a right click on any blank space and select "open a cmd over here" (this message could be different, like "cmd", "command window", "Power Shell")

abrir powershell aqui.jpg

4° - Type adb devices

A popup message on your device will apear asking permission, you will click on grant
after this type again adb devices to see if your device id appear like this:

adb devices.jpg

5° - finally type "adb install ", go to your downloaded apk and drag it to cmd window. If you are stucked on any problem, put " after and before a location of your apk, ex:
adb install c:\User\Danilo\Desktop\MiuiLauncher.apk -> adb install "c:\User\Danilo\Desktop\MiuiLauncher.apk"

adb install.jpg

If you have a "Success" message on adb window its finnaly done, but if you have another problem, ask over here :D
I flashed the zip file on RN8 and nothing changed at all.
The launcher is working, but I didn't get the new animation:(


  • Screenshot_2020-04-13-04-06-56-657_com.miui.securitycenter.jpg
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I flashed the zip file on RN8 and nothing changed at all.
The launcher is working, but I didn't get the new animation:(
I did have the same issue. The zip are not succesfuly flashed, you can see about it on #21 comment of this post.
Try manual adb install described on #30 comment.
I flashed the zip file on RN8 and nothing changed at all.
The launcher is working, but I didn't get the new animation:(

Hi .. I have updated the mount routine ... can you test it please ?

And please can you check if you have enabled in TWRP "mount system as read only" ?

- start TWRP
- Mount
- check if "Mount system partition read only" is enabled - it should not

Thank you and have a nice day
You can use magisk. I described on #23 comment how you can install a new launcher over magisk root and SAI.
PS: the fastest and sample way is a adb install. It's described too on this thread.

Hi .. I have updated the mount routine ... can you test it please ?

And please can you check if you have enabled in TWRP "mount system as read only" ?

- start TWRP
- Mount
- check if "Mount system partition read only" is enabled - it should not

Thank you and have a nice day

You are awesome. Your zip now works like a charm.
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Hi .. I have updated the mount routine ... can you test it please ?

And please can you check if you have enabled in TWRP "mount system as read only" ?

- start TWRP
- Mount
- check if "Mount system partition read only" is enabled - it should not

Thank you and have a nice day

I did as you said, still the same results.
The launcher was replaced, but nothing else changeed.
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I did as you said, still the same results.
The launcher was replaced, but nothing else changeed.

Hi can you post the logfile… twrp - advanced - copy logfile

Are you sure that the launcher is replaced? The challenge is to mount the filesystem. On mi9 it is system_root on other it is system… and I think if you ennable in twrp system as read only, the launcher cant be replaced

@Henry & dani do you have the same phones?
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Hi can you post the logfile… twrp - advanced - copy logfile

Are you sure that the launcher is replaced? The challenge is to mount the filesystem. On mi9 it is system_root on other it is system… and I think if you ennable in twrp system as read only, the launcher cant be replaced

@Henry & dani do you have the same phones?

I am sure, checking the file itself and the logs.
And yes it is system_root for me.
I have Resmi note8
Tried the adb method. Same results
Lets check and try a few things:
After do a adb procedure and get a success message
Go to "settings->Apps->Manage Apps->System Launcher"
Check if you have the latest version (
launcher version.jpg
If you dont have the latest version, try to do the adb install with this version.
2° If are all ok with your version, go to "Settings-> Additional Settings-> Full Screen display" and check if you have the option "hide full screen indicator", if you have, disable-it and new gestures it will begin to work
Hi can you post the logfile… twrp - advanced - copy logfile

Are you sure that the launcher is replaced? The challenge is to mount the filesystem. On mi9 it is system_root on other it is system… and I think if you ennable in twrp system as read only, the launcher cant be replaced

@Henry & dani do you have the same phones?
Yes and no, let me explain. I have one MI9T pro but my brother have one Redmi Note 8. Some tests on a week ago I did on both. This last zip I did only on my Mi9T
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Lets check and try a few things:
After do a adb procedure and get a success message
Go to "settings->Apps->Manage Apps->System Launcher"
Check if you have the latest version (
View attachment 29076
If you dont have the latest version, try to do the adb install with this version.
2° If are all ok with your version, go to "Settings-> Additional Settings-> Full Screen display" and check if you have the option "hide full screen indicator", if you have, disable-it and new gestures it will begin to work
View attachment 29075

Thanks for the instructions. After checking the version, it is indeed 4.17.0...
I went to additional settings -> full screen display, and I couldn't find "hide full screen indicator"
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I tried installing it. Did it manual with a good explorer. Changed also permission. After reboot it keeps crashing on latest beta rom 20.3.27 on my mi 9t pro. Any suggestion?

Gesendet von meinem Redmi K20 Pro mit Tapatalk
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I tried installing it. Did it manual with a good explorer. Changed also permission. After reboot it keeps crashing on latest beta rom 20.3.27 on my mi 9t pro. Any suggestion?

Gesendet von meinem Redmi K20 Pro mit Tapatalk

Hi see my first post. On Mi9 the launcher from 1st march is working. Try the different versions