Xiaomi Miwifi App Stopped Working


Jun 9, 2014
Today the android app for Miwifi stopped working suddenly.
It cannot connect properly to the router, so I'm unable to set timers, backup photos, download files, change preferences and so on.
Some management can be achieved through web interface, some options are on the app only.
I've already reinstalled the app, updated the router firmware and rebooted.
Even another friend of mine has the same problem, so it could be something broken on Xiaomi servers.
I hope they haven't banned connections from routers outside Mainland China or from Italy...
Anyone experienced some issues with the router app today?
P.S. The router is the old 1TB model.


  • Screenshot_2015-11-04-01-08-46_com.xiaomi.router.png
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I control 5 router mini in different locations and different internet providers, and have same problem with 2, but the others 3, works fine, i think is problem of international hubs, than use some provider's.

Enviado desde mi MI 3W mediante Tapatalk
Some ISPs blocked the connection that the routers make to the Xiaomi's servers in China.
So, you will not be able to connect to those routers when you are away from them.

I have some problems with my Yi Home Camera (the first version), as it uses another server, from the Yi company.