Widgets not working/showing content?


8 Aug 2014
Since yesterday I'm the happy owner of a mipad, it looks and works very nice but I have one (major) issue.

When I add widgets to the homescreen (both the default launcher as Nova launcher) they work fine right after adding, but after a reboot they don't show their content anymore. I need to manually start each correspdonding app and after that they work again (until the next reboot).

I read something about needing the app added to auto start, but those settings crash on the mipad. Manually using tools from the market place isn't working either.

Tried setting the launcher (nova) as a system app, but no luck either...

Has anyone got widgets working? Or tips on how to get this running? Cheers! (ps. This is on 4.8.1... will give 4.8.8 a try and perhaps try some other versions)

Ah, I have to convert the widget's apps to system app with a tool like Titanium backup... Only then I run into 'Not enough free space on System ROM' after converting a number of them. So I can not convert all of them... hmmm


Tried with symlinks and other tricks, but no luck (apps crashed, or didn;t load). In the end I use the tasker app to launch all the apps after a boot. Not ideal, but seems to work.
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recently I bought a Mipad and install the last Miui version (4.8.8). I can't manage the widget. I press but nothing happens.
Do you have some ideia what's happens?
recently I bought a Mipad and install the last Miui version (4.8.8). I can't manage the widget. I press but nothing happens.
Do you have some ideia what's happens?

As I said in my first post, the apps have to be installed as system apps for the widgets to actually work. You can do this with either titanium backup or rom toolbox.

This actually copies the apps to the /system/apps directory, the downside is that the /system folder only has 620mb of space so it gets full very fast.

You can also manually start the apps after a boot, then the widgets will also work (with the exception of the gmail widget, and perhaps some others). You might use tasker to make this more easy. Spotify doesn't seem to work at all as a system app, it crashes.

So I converted most of my apps, for which I have widgets I actually use on my homescreen, to system apps (gmail, chrome, calendar, ezweather) and decided to not use a few widgets at all.

Hope this explains and helps...


Perhaps you were talking about the ability to even add widgets at all to the launcher. In the MIUI launcher you can only add widgets to the left most screen(s). This can be done by pinching on the home screen (sweet 2 fingers to eachother), this will bring up the widgets list if all is right.
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Happy to say the 4.8.15 update fixes the autorun apps crashing in the settings for the mipad. Adding an app to the auto run allowed list fixes the widget for that app!