system apps update problem


8 Jan 2025
I've an interesting problem..
I noticed that xiaomi apps cannot be updated, neither playstore nor getapps.
I tried uninstall/install using ADB, resulted in INTERNAL ERROR (normaly I used to do that).

Anyway, I decided to format and a clean install (hyperos 1.0.8) - But it didnt work.
Installed CN rom with MIUI 14 using "Mi Flash" - "it worked, Xiaomi's system apps was updating"

However, I want to stay on EU ROM, so, I flashed the TWRP and then installed EU ROM, MIUI14 (over twrp).
Everything was seem fine, until updates! Getapps and playstore download the updates, but cannot install.
Somehow, no permission to edit/delete/update these apps.
I don't know what is my mistake...

(TWRP version:3.7.1_12-Mi11Ultra_v8.6_A14)