Strange Problem: Voice Calls In Lte Network


5 Oct 2016

I encountered a strange problem and I don't know if my R3S or the provider is the cause. I'm on Telefonica network in Germany permitted to use LTE. In certain network cells (here: in a larger city) when my R3S is connected to LTE network i'm not able to receive voice calls (Telefonica doesn't support VoLTE, so this couldn't be the problem). Data connection and outgoing voice calls work well. In other LTE network cells (rural area) everything works fine.

When I receive a voice call my R3S switches from LTE to 3G or 2G (if 3G isn't available) and then it rings. In the problematical network cells my R3S stays on LTE and the caller gets the announcement: "The person you have called doesn't answer." I have to manually switch back to 3G to receive calls. This is very annoying because everything else works fine and I'm not able to recognize the problem.

Anyone with the same problem out there?
"I receive a voice call my R3S switches from LTE to 3G or 2G (if 3G isn't available) and then it rings."
Same and this is normal my carrier only suport 3G and 4G ( no 2G) !

If somebody calls you while he is in 4G network our phone sould not switch back from 4G to 3G to recive the call.

The only thing whitch bothers me is when you are in 4G and you calling somebody the actuall call proces takes much longer because my phone has to drop from 4G to 3G to make the call to someone who is in 3G network !
It looks like there's been a carrier problem. Now everything works fine in the problematical network cell without changing anything in my R3S.