New scrolling lag


14 Mar 2024
Hello. I have a scrolling lag in some apps. Deleting data and reinstalling the affected app didn't help. Disabling dark mode doesn't help either. Can anyone help?
ROM: xiaomi.eu_GARNET_OS1.0.16.0

I don't know why the scrolling feels different between custom eu rom and stock rom.
I had the same problem, I had minor lags in all applications and I went back to stock rom
could any of the developers please assist us and tell us to get logs of what and doing what so that we can fix this?
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This topic has been discussed here several times. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a solution to the problem.
Lags can be hard to track down without a physical device in hand, but I can try...
1. Be one tap from launching an app where the lag occurs, but don't launch it yet.
2. Run "ClearLog.bat"
3. Run "StartLog.bat"
4. Open the app and reproduce the lag for 5-10 seconds
5. Close the command prompt window