Phone Tries To Reboot Every Night At 2:30 And Then Hangs


Aug 31, 2016
Hello, I have a Redmi Note 4 MTK (nikel). I have the weekly development ROM installed. Since some weeks (I don't recall the actual version), the phone reboots itself at 2:30 AM. Then it is hanging at the mi logo (I am always charging overnight). When I wake up by the light, I can long press the power button to turn off and reboot the phone. It works flawlessly afterwards. Until the next night...

This is annoying. I use the phone as alarm to wake me up at 6.

Did anybody had the same problem? Or should I look at all installed apps for the culprit?



Maybe, I've found a workaround. First the situation got worse. At the end the phone got into the boot loop every time when I connected it to a power source.

The last error in the log was:
java.lang.NullPointerException,Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String$Setting.getId()' on a null object reference

Now opening the Smart Assistant seems to solve the problem.

Without first going to the Smart Assistant page, the phone will crash and go into the boot loop as soon as I connect the power cable.
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