New Music through Bluetooth stops for ~a second every time that i open or minimize an app (log below)


Tsim Pouki

To be more accurate, it happens when the animation of closing app finishes, and when the animation of opening app starts
This time It started after a share dialog on instagram but is has happened again while doing something else (it fixed somehow)
You've mentioned that you don't mess with the low level things but i never had this issue with any other miui rom.. I hope that you'll be able to see what's wrong through the log and tell me what to do.
I already tried clearing cache/dalvik, Bluetooth and MIUI Bluetooth app cache and a few reboots.
I tried to screen record it and i noticed 2 things
1) It doesnt happen while screen recording
2) Screen record quality is bad (distorted audio) despite the fact that all the setting are set to max


  • log_lmi_V12.5.7.0.RJKCNXM.txt
    1.5 MB · Views: 981
Update: turns out that its a conflict with video toolbox (sound clarity option). Disabling it fixes the issue