Modding startup page of Video app


Jul 22, 2012

We all know MIUI Video app, and I may say most of us like it very much. It's a really good app.


For some users like me, I only use it to play videos on web or on local storage, some use it to browse videos from the app it self. This is an issue.

As a representative of the Arab users of MIUI, I had some complaints about the app showing "pornographic" material. It may be "Nude",
"Adult", "+18", "Erotic", etc. Not important, the important thing is, Arabs, don't prefer to see this type of content, it's not ok to see it here.


Now, how could we block the homepage of this app, change it, or remove it?

I really need to know this, sometimes, small things like this one, can make change from using MIUI, or using any other rom.

I hope someone can help me with this and I hope the solution is from the app it self and not with addons.