Icon Animation When Closing App For 3rd Party Apps?


May 6, 2017
Greetings fellow MIUI-ers,

as most of you know, MIUI 9 default theme has animations for its default apps, so when you close the app, the app icon does a little move. It's subtle, but I find it nice and as a fine attention to details.

What I was wondering is: is it possible to create animations for custom apps? How are animations for current apps handled, are they created as some kind of .gif, or inside some file as lines of code (similar to live icons such as Clock, Calendar, Weather, etc.)? And in which folder are those located (I have root access ofc)? I would like to find the existing animations for icons such are Phone, Browser etc, and use their example to create something similar for some 3rd party app.

Thanks in advance,