Hide status bar icon MIUI 13


21 Jul 2022
I am trying to hide some status bar icons on MIUI 13.

Does anyone know of a way to hide icons such as Roaming, Mute, DND...?

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-21 at 9.38.36 PM.jpeg

I tried these without success:
  • adb shell settings put secure icon_blacklist zen,mute,volume
  • Using the SystemUI Tuner app, grating all permissions.
  • Using the Activity Launcher and opening the System UI demo mode.
  • ADB AppControl

Any hint will be much welcomed!
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That adb command only works when an icon is next to clock on the left side. Most likely you cannot hide those icons without Magisk and LSPosed. This Xposed module should do the trick for most of those icons although I haven't tested it personally: https://github.com/Simplicity-Team/WooBoxForMIUI/blob/main/README_EN.md
I would love to try, but I prefer not to root my phone only for this.

Do you know if this status bar icons preferences could be added on our custom Rom? Should I make a feature request somewhere? I could not see a Github repo to do it.
Tasker can do this (if rooted), LSPosed probably not needed.
Thanks, again, my phone is not rooted and for any this change I don't think it makes sense.

Is there a way to contribute or ask for feature requests?
I see, and I am afraid asking for features to Xiaomi is like throwing a drop into the ocean. Right?
If you don't ask, they won't take your opinion in account.

But clearly,, even if they greenlight the idea right away, it will probably take many months to appear in a ROM.