Firefox OS?


24 Jul 2011
So i know work is being done by a few people to bring us CM10 but i wonder if bringing over FireFox OS would be easier? Anyone considered this or willing to look at it? I'm going to build it tonight but only for emulator since i have no clue where to start to get it onto Mi2...
So i know work is being done by a few people to bring us CM10 but i wonder if bringing over FireFox OS would be easier? Anyone considered this or willing to look at it? I'm going to build it tonight but only for emulator since i have no clue where to start to get it onto Mi2...


Since we don't have any kernel source even the CM10 port still have some bugs and lack of stability. Our developer M1cha said this weekend that the timeline for his opensource kernel is to 08/2013, if everything goes right some developers won't have any problems porting any kind of ROM's including Firefox OS:D