Concern about Mi Vaccum Mop Cleaner Essential (MJSTG1) - Map not working


Jan 1, 2021
Hello everyone, and Best Wishes for 2021 !

I receive for Christmas a Mija MJSTG1 (Vaccum Mop Cleaner Essential) and it's amazing as a first robot cleaner.

I just have some issues with the map functionality that seems to doesn't work with my apartment so far. Nothing seems to appears after multiple cleaning (some just to scout furnitures and everything else)
I did a full reboot of the robot as describe in the manual and start a new cleaning but same issues. The robot even forgot to come into one room after it finish.
You'll find screenshot of what i've got as last cleaning (After Reboot). I've tried to figure it by myself but couldn't find any support on Mijia or Google.

I'll take all advice if you got some I'm open to everything
Thanks a lot in advance.
I have the exact same problem. I have had my G1 for a month and everything was working great before the last update.
I hope Xiaomi will make a quick fix to solve the problem because otherwise it works very well.


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Hi Raga51,
Thanks for the feedback.
I already make a message in the Mi Home App, but no answer yet.
I had to update the firmware ( before the first utilisation so no idea if it's a firmware issue (but if you see some part of your home and it worked before it's probably that)
Maybe a factory reset could solve this temporarily but the step to apply it don't work in my case (Reset button under the top cover or the double 5sec push on the Home Button).
Let me know if you have more informations ;) !
A y regarder de plus près sur tes photos, c'est écrit en français. C'est peut-être pas utile de communiquer en anglais dans ce cas?